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"Where do you want to go?" Jin asked the youngest. They knew that jungkook still mad at them. Jungkook also didn't want to talk to them. But they still care for him. They really cant throw out the caring feelings towards the youngest. "You don't have to know hyung. I'm not a kid that you must beware all the time" jungkook hissed jin. Jungkook sometimes felt a bit rude for talk or answering to his hyungs like that because they still a hyung for him. "Its not good for being rude at us jungkook-ah. And its a yes. You're still a kid, a little kid to us" namjoon said. He crossed his arms while look at the youngest who was busy prepare himself before going out. Jungkook just act like he didn't hear anything in that time.

The youngest about to walk when jhope interpurt. "Come on jungkook. How long you gonna make us like this?" Jhope interpose. It makes the youngest stop from his way. But it doent last long when jungkook continue to walk back. Suddenly, suga pull the youngest by the wrist and him gasped. Suga then locked the youngest at the wall before the rest start to block him between the hard wall behind him.

"What's wrong with all of you? I'm gon-"

"Shut up your mouth baby" jimin said.

"Don't ever call m-"

"Shut up or we will kiss you" taehyung warning him.

Then the youngest keep himself quiet.

"Good. Now listen. Look, we were very sorry for make you like that. We didn't supposed to let our works comes first" suga starting for a forgiveness. His eyes truly says that he was very sorry towards jungkook. Jungkook didn't talk any. He looks away and don't want to look at them. The hurt that his hyungs do to him still not heal. They look at the youngest that still with his mad face, same as the day of the incident. Jimjn tried to talk, "and for the sejoung part, we didnt know. We didn't know why we don't like him to be with you. We are not hating but maybe we scared that he will take our precious little kookie here".

Jungkook still looks away but he was secretly inhaling each words that his hyungs says to him. "Please jungkook-ah. Please forgive us. We swear that this not gonna happen anymore. We hate being like this. You keep distract from us. We miss our old jungkookie that always happy and active. We miss to cuddle with you. We miss the old you" taehyung said softly. The words really came out from his heart and not a fake one. The youngest start to look at them. He saw his hyungs eyes start to watery. He really have to see his hyungs in that condition. But, he didn't make it easy this time. "You know, if you want a cuddle, just ask Deukhwan instead. I'm sire he will be so happy" jungkook glared at them. "Jungkook-ah, how many times we gonna say that we don't want or love him as we want or love you. Why you keep denying it?" Jhope said. He tone was kinda frustrated. Frustrated the fact that the youngest still can't feel the love that they had gave to him.


"Be a good boy jungkookie. Don't ever deny something that you already knew the truth is" jin said. Jungkook silent. He didn't know what to talk more. The 6 pair of eyes were looking at him. It makes him felt uncomfortable. "Jungkook-ah, forgive us please. If you forgive us, just say want you want" namjoon come up with that idea. The youngest head plopping something when his hyung mention like that. And here it is, "anything?" He asked. His hyungs immediately nodded. They willing to do anything to get back their jungkookie.

"Can you let me go together for the vacation tomorrow?" His eyes sparkling look at his hyungs and there is it, the hyungs were automatically smiling at him. The youngest was really cute for asking them for that thing that he supposed not to ask. They also glad that jungkook had forgive them. It was really meaningful. "Of course you can. You don't have to ask dear~" jhope with his sunshine smiles said. The youngest giggled. He was totally embrassed with his hyungs that close to him now. He can't move. The wall didn't let it happen. 

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