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No one POV 

"Appa~i go first" jungkook said to BPD who's reading the newspaper at the dining room. "Alright then. Be careful and if they treat you too horrible ~ tell appa~" BPD said to his son. "Okay appa~ bye" he replied.


-BTS house-

Jungkook went into the house and come at the kitchen to take some water but he see someone that he didn't want to see in this world if he can.

"How are you? I heard you have a headache n fainted yesterday? I'm so pity for you" Deukhwan said, acting evilly. "I'm okay now and please don't bother me" jungkook replied. "Aww, that's hurt jungkook-ah" he said. "Do I look like I care?" Jungkook replied and rolled his eyes. "Urghh!!" Deukhwan for upstairs, already fed up with jungkook.

Jungkook then hear his phone ringtone, means someone have call him and he bet that his Sejoung hyung was the one who call him n he run excitedly towards his phone that he put at the table but ................ PANG!!!!!

"YAH!!!WATCH YOUR STEPS!!" Jin said angryly as he and the others come downstairs. "Mianhae~" jungkook said in a sorry tone. "Don't have any word to say either than mianhae? Huh?!" Jimin said to him. "IM SORRY! Don't mad at me. I didn't know your presence and I - AWWW!!! ARGHHH!!!" jungkook shouted n whined at the sudden hurt.

"What's wrong with you?" V asked jungkook and look at him, like disgusted. "My toes hurts. ARGHHH!!!" Jungkook sit on the floor and touched at the area that he get injured. "You think we want to care about you? Hahahaha" rapmon laugh arrogantly. "In your dreams" suga said to jungkook. "I also didn't want you to care for me~ Im just telling cuz v hung ask me just now" jungkook replied, look at his hyung while still touched the area.

"Th-" jhope got cut by jungkook phone that suddenly ringing. Jungkook decided to walk and get up by himself to get the phone but he fell down and the hyungs just watch him n go upstairs.

"Arghhh!!! Its hurts!!!" Jungkook said in a slow yet shouted voice as the hyungs already going upstairs.

Jungkook try to stand up while the hyungs~.....

"You know~ sometimes I feel so bad to leave jungkook fell down like that" jhope kind of realised even tho he still mad at him. "Yeah~ at least we help him stand" jimin said. "Lets give a try" suga said and they together go down .

The hyungs see the maknae trying hard and struggled to stand up by himself but its not work and.....

"Yah, give me your hand" v said, stretch his hand out to give a sign to jungkook to hold it. "Palli, let's us help you" jin said

All the hyungs help him stand up carefully. Jungkook at first want to ignored his hyungs offer but he just gave up and give his hands to them. Then, they slowly bought jungkook to the sofa to sit.

"Thanks hyungs" jungkook said as his hyungs done help him. His hyungs didn't reply aNY and go to their rooms and talked to them self.

"Aigoo~ how I missed his touch" - v

"No one can be soft as jungkook touch. I miss him" - jimin

"I really really missed his touch so much~" - suga

"Jungkook really special. Just of the sudden touch can make me missed him too much" -jhope

"I cant with this. I'm seriously missed him" -rapmon

"Jungkook-ah~ jungkook-ah~ what have you done to me?" - jin


A/N : the meaning 'touch' here its just touch.. Not something else ... I didn't like smut anyways.., its just a touch... A dongsaeng (younger brother) touch his hyungs (older brother) I hope you guys understand~ :-) 


-next morning-

Deukhwan have been out early cuz he have some problem to solved.

"Ahhh~ how can I sleep at the sofa last night?" Jungkook asked to himself as he wake up from the sleep. 

Suddenly his hyungs come down to check out jungkook.

"You can walk?" V asked. "Is your toes okay?" Suga asked too. "Yeah, its better than yesterday. I go upstairs first" jungkook replied to his hyungs questions. "For?" Jhope asked too. "Take a shower" . "let's us help you" rapmon said, give some help to the youngest. "Aniya~ I'm totally fine" jungkook said, didn't want to inconveniece his hyungs. "Don't be stubborn. Palli" jimin said to him.

They all help jungkook until in front of his room and prepared for breakfast. Not longer than that, jungkook come downstairs slowly.

"Oh jungkookie? How was your toes?" Dekhwan asked him as he just went home. "Its fine. You don't have to worry" jungkook replied simple, as he know that deukhwan full of act. "I'm feel bad for you" deukhwan act. "Deukhwan-ah~ just eat, don't care about him" suga remain him.

Deukhwan just give an evil face as a reply to jungkook and jungkook feel sad at his hyung word and angry at Deukhwan and he just climb upstairs back.

"He didn't want to eat?" Jin asked the rest. "Just leave him hyung~ jealous~!" Deukhwan said.

After they have a breakfast, jungkook direct go downstairs and go through the door and went out without leave a space for his hyungs to ask.


Jungkook come home and went in and straight go to the kitchen but.....

"YAH YOU!!!" rapmon shouted at him. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!!!!" jimin shouted at him too. "YOU'RE TOO MUCH JUNGKOOK!!" suga joined. "Why are you guys suddenly mad and yelling at me? Is aanything I did wrong?" Jungkook asked cluelessly. "Don't act innocent can you!!! You're the one who make Deukhwan get into the hospital!!!" Rapmon totally angry at jungkook. 

"WHAT?!!! Serious hyung~ I really don't know. I'm just go out with my friends" jungkook replied as he shocked cuz he didn't do that to Deukhwan. "Enough jungkook-ah. Deukhwan tell us everything that you push him to the road" v explained the whole story. " I-" jungkook didn't finished his sentences as Jin cut him " I'm really didn't believe you!!!" . "we really hate you!!! Remember it!!!" Jhope said angryly more like give him some reminder.

"Hyungs, I really didn't do that to Deulhwan and-" . "stop!!!! I don't want to hear ANY!!! and don't call us hyung anymore!!!" Jimin yelling at him, very angry. "Hyungs~" jungkook said between cry. "Let's go guys" suga rolled his eyes.


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