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Jungkook somehow want to clutch the hem of his shirt, didn't so comfortable and not sure about his unexpected decision. The permission that he gave was quiet dumb. He had throw himself in a discomfort zone that was didn't familiar with him nowadays.

"Uhh....hyungs... You can let go of me now. Its just- I will go upstairs by myself. I will walk slowly" the youngest awkwardly said. The 6 of them hearts seem to be shattered. Jungkook push out their offers, but in a kind way. Something tugged into their chest's. Maybe a bit hurt.

"We can send you there. Its too dangerous for you to walk alone" jungkook bet for some scolding from his hyungs but the thing that he can hear from Jin's voice was really pure with love.


"No buts jungkook" jhope take away jungkook from Taehyung's arms. Taehyung already miss jungkook's warmth but just let it be.

Jhope surprised the youngest when one of his hands was sliding through jungkook's waist and one other was firmly holding jungkook's hand. The youngest air gasped but casually intertwined their hands softly when Jhope start to do first. Deep inside, Jhope was quiet fond of their position.

Same as Taehyung, Jhope carefully bought Jungkook from their first step until the last one. Jhope place the youngest slowly at the edge of the bed.

"Take some rest. If you need anything, just call us. We will be downstairs" Jhope looks at jungkook who was facing the floor, not meet his gaze even a second.

The youngest hums with some nods. The older slightly frowned. He put his finger under the youngest chin and make him look up. Jhope was meet with the doe-innocent eyed that he had been miss. The shining send a soften feelings from the youngest big-cute eyes. His eyes fluttering while looking at Jhope cluelessly. His innocent face make the older weak.

The position was cute with Jhope was standing infront of him while bend a bit to look at the youngest closely while jungkook's chin was up along with his head, a little.

"Sleep well baby" Jhope sweetly said before placing a kiss at the youngest forehead gently. He love this closeness.

At the same time, jungkook close his eyes slowly, lean into his hyung touch. Jhope shoot him a last smile and went out from the room.


👉 He just do it in purpose. No string attached


Some tears start to grow into his eyes. The confusion send him to no end. He don't have any idea. Some part of his heart says its time for trust his hyungs but when he want, the voice keep come. He can't endure alone.

Jungkook trust and forgive them but the voice always have when he don't need any of it. The voice will dissapear when his confidence take over the place.

Its hurt to admit. For some reasons, he have to go out from this dark situation by his ownself. He need the hyungs support. He need their love to make his thought are fully true.

On the other side, jungkook's hyungs were ready to shower him with affection and love.

Maybe something that jungkook didn't expect will exit.


A/N : hi!!❤❤❤ sorry for the short chapter🙏 hope you enjoy it❤

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