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"Bye hyungs" Deukhwan said when he out from the car, infront of his apartment. The hyungs waved a goodbye to him and leave the place. The car was slowly gone from Deukhwan view.

The 6 of them heading back to their house. As they park the car, they went into the house using the spare key. As good as they went in, they saw their little brother was watching a movie that semm so focus on it. Jungkook still didn't realise that his hyungs were back. He keep watching and eating some snack on his other hand. His hyungs just crossed their arms and shacked their head while smiling, thought that jungkook was cute there. "Enjoy watching huh?" Namjoon said from the back of the sofa that jungkook was sat at. Jungkook turn his head back and saw his hyungs were all frowned. "Oh hyungs? You have arrived? Sorry, I didn't noticed your presence" jungkook said while rubbed his neck, smile shyly. His hyungs joined to sit together with him without reply to jungkook words.

"You have been eaten?" Jin, the eldest among them asked jjngkook softly. He always took care of the youngest much. Jungkook finish his munch before look and reply to his hyung. "I already eat hyung" replied jungkook and makes his eyes on the television screen back. Jungkook was so interest on the movie, didn't talk to his hyungs except when the hyungs ask him. That 'culture' make his hyungs felt frustrated. They took a glanced with each other without jungkook knowing. They didn't know what to do to get jungkook attention. They tried to talk to him but jungkook just reply such as "okay" , "not yet" and the worst thing was just hums in response.

One of them saw the remote control was at and took the opportunity to take it slowly and press the 'off' button secretly. "Yah hyungs~! Why you turn off the television while I was watching it~!" Jungkook whined, a bit mad to his hyungs because it was his favourite movie that he want to watch along time ago. The hyungs ignored jungkook and play their phone with the guiltless face like they didn't do anything wrong.

Jungkook wait for an answer but his his hyungs still ignored him. "Hyungs, what do you want actually?" Jungkook try not to get mad anymore and try not to shout. He inhale and exhale slowly and said calmly. "You" jimin said and start looking into the youngest eyes. "What do you mean by 'you'? I didn't get it" jungkook said, try to think in the same time. All of them of their phone, put aside from them and look at jungkook. "We want you. We want your attention jungkook-ah. We can't help the fact that you ignored us besides the movie. How hurt is it" Taehyung said. The tone of his voice seem frustrated but he gladly can manage with normal tone. "I'm didn't ignored you hyungs. I'm still reply to your questions, inquiry right?" Jungkook said properly, respect them as hyungs. "Yeah jungkook-ah. Replied with an 'okay' and your hums. That was great" suga said, insinuation the youngest annoyedly. Jungkook lost of his words to say more. He knows his fault now but he didn't dare to speak. The house was silent for some minutes. Jungkook, with his self-possesed managed to talk.

"Hyungs~ I'm really sorry about that. I'm realise now that I wasnt supposed youngeto hyungs like that. It was rude. I promise that his never again to be exit from myself. Sorry~" jungkook had done his words even its hard. He hang his head down. The hyungs stop.doing their things and stand up, go to the youngest. They bend down, kneeling in front of him. Jungkook noticed it. Jungkook slowly look up to see his hyungs in eyes to eyes.

"Its okay~ we forgive you. Don't be this sad" namjoon said, smiling that show off his dimple. Jungkook who's busy smiling at his namjoon hyung back, felt someone hand was caressing his hair softly and he immediately look at it. "You know~ we can't mad at you longer tho" suga smiling with full of fond. "Why?" Jungkook asked, focus on his suga hyung eyes. "Because we-" suddenly all of their phone plopping at the same time. 

They go to their sit back and took the phone, open it. Jungkook didn't ask anything. He just remain silent, didn't know what's going on.

The 6 of them saw

* 1 unread chat from 'HYUNG'S BABY' *

and they opened it,


: hyungs, my car can't start and I have to go to my friend house and its important. Can you arrive me there? Please~~

They look at each other if all of them agreed. Each of them send a 'I'm okay with it' look as sign of agreeing. "Jungkook-ah, me, jimin and the hyungs want to go out for awhile okay? We has some emergency. Sorry" Taehyung said while cupped the both of the youngest cheek. "Its okay hyung. I'm fine here" jungkook said with his cheek was squeezing by his v hyung and try to smile even he knows its hard. Taehyung laugh cutely at him and felt sorry to do like that. Taehyung let go of his hands slowly and start smile. "We go first jungkookie. Bye. Take care and don't hang out with your others hyungs. Remember that" jhope warning him playfully that makes jungkook let out some giggles. " I will hyung. Bye" jungkook smile and waved his hyungs cutely. The hyungs smile back and mess the youngest hair when they walk off and leave jungkook with a pout while fix back his hair. He took the remote control back and watch a new movie by his ownself.


A/N : Hii again!! 2 updates in one day!! He he😅.. Hope you like it🙏😭♥

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