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The sun start to rise up to the sky. The sound of the birds chirping harmonize make the house more soundly with the birds happiness every morning. Jungkook, the youngest was woke up by the bright light that go through the dormer in his room. He slowly open his eyes. He felt someone's hand was wrapped around his wait. He look at the owner of the hand without making any noise. He was welcomed with his suga hyung who was beautifully sleep. He also felt someones breath against his neck. He turn around slowly and his Taehyung hyung was sleeping. He also noticed his other hyungs were sleeping at the couch and some of them were sleep at the extra single bed in his room. He can't this k what had happened that make all of his hyungs sleep in his room. He turn back to his position, confront his suga hyung back and try to think about yesterday incident.


"Aish~ its already 8 o clock (night) but they still didn't back yet" jungkook said to himself. He realise that his hyungs were out almost 8 hours and still didnt arrived. The youngest keep walking around the house. He very worried about his hyungs safety. It become more worried when the hyungs didn't even call or send him a message about them. Jungkook start to calm himself. He sit back on the sofa and try to think other ways. "Should I call or not?" He asked himself more. Its not like his hyungs gonna mad at him but it just he scared if the 'call' was bothering them. Jungkook took hi phone from the table and slide to open. He go through to this contact number and scrolling it. The youngest hand stop to scroll when 'Jin Hyung' name was appeared.

But, he still not sure if he must call them. After had thinking properly, he press the 'call' sign and put the phone beside his ear. He was nervous when waiting for the other line to respond. He keep and trying to call several times but it doesn't work. The only thing that he heard just the 'call' sound. Be exhale hardly. "Maybe they were busy. Im just waiting them until they arrive then" he sighed.

Hour by hour had passes, the 6 of jungkook hyungs still didn't comeback. The clock was shown the time was 12:00 in the midnight. The youngest still wait for them in his room. He didn't know why his hyungs were that late. 30 minutes pass away and there's still no sign of them. The weather was cool and windy, complete with the dark light outside. The moon slowly didn't seen, were hide by the thick cloud at the sky. Not longer than that, the sound of the raining fall down was heard. The rain was drizzling at first with the chilly wind that come into the house. Suddenly, some storms were start to play. The storms were pounce loudly along with the heavy rain in that night.

It was a hard time for jungkook. He had a phobia with the storm and really scared of it moreover when the storms were loud. He makes himself sat on his bed while hugging his knee. "Hyungs~~ where were you~" he said desprately. Tears of drops slowly elapse through his cheeks. No one were there too accompany him, comfort him by that time.

A loud bang suddenly appeared and makes him flinced into shock. Jungkook was badly shaking and crying a lot. He was really scared. He be bold enough to himself, took his phone out from his pocket and try to call again his hyungs. He held his phone, still sobed while waiting for his hyungs to answer but it was give no good result. He put his phone beside him and wipe away his tears. But it doesn't last long to dry when he heard more storms exit. He cried every time he heard that and every time he think of his hyungs presence.

The storm and the rain slowly alleviate when the time slowly to the fore. The youngest had sleep without knowing when. Jungkook was fall into sleep when he crying and try to arrest his fear alone. The dream took him from his 'nightmare' to a beautiful and comfortable yet peaceful sleep. The youngest face was innocent with his puffy eyes causes from the incessant crying and his cheeks was leave with the dry tears.

-30 minutes after-

"Jungkook-ah~! Jungkookie~! Where is you dear~?" Jin call the youngest many times when he unlock the main door and come in. "Jungkook-ah~! Its hyungs~!" Taehyung also try to find him at the downstairs. The rest also searching for him but nothing changed the situation until someone's spoke. "Let's go check him at his room. I assume he was there" Namjoon immediately said. All of them went upstairs together, heading to the youngest room. He opened the door and saw their dongsaeng was lying and sleeping alone with the uncomfortable position. The 6 of them went closer to him to take a better look. The youngest was sleeping as normal. The gloomy wind blow his hair away that close some part of his eyes. Jhope slowly push aside the youngest hair to look at jungkook's face. They noticed the puffy eyes along with the dry tears on jungkook face.

Jin close the window and complete it with the curtain. He sigh, "he must been really scared" jin said, sit at the edge of the bed. He look at jungkook, pity and guilty. Jimin nodded, "yeah hyung. If we a bit earlier, he must felt secure in our arms" he carressed the youngest cheek soflty. "I'm still feel something strange when jin hyung phone was silent" jhope talked slowly, didn't want to wake jungkook up.

• the times when jungkook arrest his fear alone •

After send Deukhwan back to his apartment...

"What a tiring day" jhope stretch his arms and lean himself at the cushion car. They were in the midst to go back to their home. "Yeah" jin said and open his phone. "Jungkook call me 15 times and I didn't answered it. This was bad" jin strok his hair frustradly. The rest about to say something but Namjoon was fast, "why you didn't answered jin hyung? You know, maybe jungkook have problem in the house" namjoon said calmly while driving the car. "You think I want to do it? Its not my fault. My phone was silent in fact I'm didn't do that indirect" jin said, thinking how could his phone was silent. He rarely turn the speaker off. The rest hush themselves. Thinking too.

They didn't talk much in the car and doing their own things until, "oh? Its raining here" Taehyung said, look through the mirror how great the rain fall. "Ahh. Its jam in front" suga suddenly said, who was sit beside Namjoon at the driver sit. The others also noticed it. "Woah, the storm were loud" jimin said when he heard the suddenly bang from the car that makes him a bit shock. They were silent for some seconds after jimin had said until they finally realise, "Jungkookie!!!"

• back to the story •

"Its also doesnt make sense. Its weird. Why its happen when jungkook didn't be with us. I think someone had silent jin hyunh phone" Taehyung said, carresed jungkook hair slowly. Taehyung action makes jungkook move a bit. Luckily, he didn't bother to wake up and continue to sleep. "He must been really tired because of the crying" suga smiled. The rest also join suga. They decided to sleep together with the youngest. They just didn't want jungkook to feel lonely more.

All of them were out, go to their room. They took a bath and wearing a comfortable cloth before sleeping. They put the youngest in a comfortable position back with a soft pillow under his head. The 6 of them lying down and slowly drift into sleep. Suga, the one who's sleep beside the youngest, faces him, wrapped his arms around the youngest waist and bought jungkook closer to him even at jungkook left side was Taehyung. Jungkook normally snuggled into suga chest. Suga rest his chin on the youngest head after he kiss him at the cheek, "goodnight baby".



A/N : Hi!!!♥♥♥ new chapter for all of you!!😅😘♥ hope you like it too😭🙏♥ and I noticed that some of you were mad at the hyungs and Deukhwan (of course). I can felt it too 😭♥. See you at the next chapter~!♥♥♥

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