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Jungkook pov 

In the next morning, jungkook decided to get up early cuz didn't want to face his hyungs for awhile cuz of the incident. Jungkook go to to the kitchen to take a breakfast but he was shocked cuz Deukhwan already at there.

"Good morning Jungkook ssi" he said with his evil smile while take a sip of water at his hand. "Don't disturb me" I said n just sat n spread the jam on my bread as I didn't have mood to fight with him. "Is jungkookie have a fight with his hyungs?" He keep teasing me. "Just mind your own business" I said, feel irritated with him n just take a bite of the bread.

"Hahaha good luck" he said and go upstairs. I just rolled my eyes. Then I heard my hyungs voice as he appeared n gathered at the kitchen to have a breakfast too, I guess. I just ignored them n just keep eating.

"You have been wake up?" Hobi hyung asked me. "Yeah~ just a few minutes ago". "Why so early?" . "nothing" I said and stand up to put my plate at the sink. "You already finished?" V hyung asked me as he take a sit. 

"Yeah~" I replied simply and direct through the door but then I heard my hyungs asked me..again. "Where's you wanna go this early?" Jin hung asked Cuz he always worried about me whenever I wanna go out. "To meet my hyung" I said to him. "Sejoung?" Rapmon hyung said n rolled his eyes. My hyungs really don't like when I'm go out or meet sejoung hung. They always feels annoyed. "Who else?" I rolled my eyes. "Aniya~ you can't go" jimin hyung said to me.

Suddenly, Deukhwan go down n said "just let him be hyungs, he also have a life. Right jungkookie?. "Yeah~ deukhwan is right. I gotta go" I'm just agreed with him even tho I know he was acting kindly in front of the hyungs.

The hyungs didn't know how to answers more n deukhwan really happy with his evil plan. 


"Hyung!!!!" I said while running toward sejoung hyung. "Aww!!jungkookie~you're too cute to do like that" sejoung hung said n pinched my cheeks. "Hyung~ its hurt" I said n act like cry. I just love to messing with him. "You're so funny and cute at the same time you know..... So, why you want to meet me? Is that cuz of Deukhwan?" Sejoung hyung asked me as he already know my situation wwith that Deukhwan. "Yeah~ definitely he is~ " I said as my eyes started to watery.

"Yah2~ don't sad. Hyung always have for you" sejoung hyung said while stroking my hair to comfort me. "Gomawo hyung~" I thanked him n smile bitterly. "Yah2~ enough~ now don't be sad and let's go. Hyung treat you this time okay?". "Okay~!" I smiled.


No one POV 

"I'm home" jungkook said. "Yah! Move! You didn't see that I want go out?!" Deukhwan shouted at him. "I'm sorry~" jungkook said politely n give deukhwan a space for him to walk. "Urghhh!!!".

After that, jungkook was about to entered to his room a.k.a Deukhwan room but was disturb by...

"Jungkook-ah~ come to my room now" v said that sound kind of angry tone. As jungkook already in front of them, "what it is hyungs?" Jungkook asked all of his hyungs. "Have fun with sejoung didn't you?" Suga said. "Hyung~ what do you mean?" Jungkook asked Suga as he confused with Suga statement. "Just don't get close to him" Rapmon joined. "Why?" . "we don't like~" jimin said along with the rolled eyes.

"Huh?you think I really really like you and deukhwan?" Jungkook said as he really mad at his hyungs that didn't fair. "What are you trying to say" jimin asked back. "Why your attitude so-" . "what? You think Deukhwan is really that kind?" Jungkook said, cut Rapmon words. "Jungkook-ah, don't create such a bad things to Deukhwan. He's a good person!" Rapmon replied as he didn't agreed with jungkook. "Yeah2~ he's a good person that always act infront of you guys such a golden but he's totally not!!" Jungkook replied angrily.

"Whatch you mouth!!" Suga get angry n shouted at him. "YOU LISTEN! IM TOTALLY MAD AT YOUR BEHAVIOUR! AND HATE YOU WITH ALL OUR HEARTS!!!" jin shouted at him, his face all turned red. Jungkook shocked cuz of the sudden shouted . "hyungs~ its true, he-" . "STOP!! WE DIDNT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING!!" V also said. "Why you really believe him instead of me?" Jungkook waited for some answer. "Cuz we don't love you anymore and Deukhwan only in our hearts! N don't asked us why we be like this. Ask your own self!" Jhope who's the one that rarely angry, dissapointed n mad too. "What?" Jungkook can't believed it and started to cry" . "you know~ talk to you such a waste!! Let's go guys!!" Jhope said as they go out from the room.

Jungkook just stand there and cry with all of his hearts cuz he really didn't expect that the hyungs that really love him so much before say like that. He really angry at himself sometimes cuz say to Deukhwan like that. He just wish that time can returned back. 


A/N : sorry my lovely readers~!.. Its such a boring chapter. I'm feel so bad to make you guys like this.  I'm so sorry~! But I promise something fluff will come out soon!! Saranghae!!!

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