Twenty three

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Maybe its not the right time. Maybe its not a good decision- Suga is sort of different, compared to the rest. Yet getting sad, everythings are under control unknowingly. Lie? They knew each other very well. Starting from the top to the end of him. Hes not Suga when hes showing off his weakness side, crying or moody the entire day or so we called until his off from it. Received a loved served is fine enough for him as long they stick together no matter problems comes. As the second eldest, he would make sure his brothers were having a good atmosphere always. Not being over protective but thats his job even though its naturally out from nowhere.

Sad nor dissapointed, the youngest was his weakness, the most. Hes not sure that he was soft for him but that was hes thinking for. Is he too spoiled him? Adored him? All those shouldnt be questioned. He loves him. Couldnt watch anything happen to the little one, his. Obviosly the way he spoke to Jungkook just too soft. The expression of his face smoothering with fondness and of course its totally different with his others members.

Sometimes, this youngest gets him. His doe eyed stared at him, looking directly with those shining things in his eyes just made him even softer. God, hes sure he was on fire. Theres something special about Jungkook that he slowly learned more and more, he wont get tired besides love to have it. The youngest could just sitting without doing nothing but still looking preciously cute in his eyes. His kissable lips that he always want to put his againts it took a long time to do. Hes still doubting. The youngest was way too innocent to do that kind of thing, he thought. But he want. He want it.

Literally, hes not talking with him after the incident. He has a reason. Who able to distract themselves from the youngest? He couldnt but he have to because he loves him so much.

"Hyung?" the soft voice echooing the room. Suga knew the voice. Suga knew whos belongs to it. Its the one who had made something weird in his stomach. When hes around, he wished, the time will stop. Want to have him always,.not wanting to let this boy go. Be in his arms forever. He must protect him. Care of him. The warmth of his body when the youngest clinging onto him mostly when hes tired. Oh he missed it so much. He felt empty without him. Without his little brother-

"yeah?" its a simple reply, honestly didnt want to say it like that. He took a deep breath, trembling inside of how Jungkook would say next. Many scenes and thoughts start to play in his mind. Hope it will goes fine.

"why are you avoiding me?"

thats not it.

"Im not" he state pretty normal as he always do. Didnt want to hurt the youngest's feeling anymore. But he already did.

"Im sorry. Why arent you talking to me?-- I mean these day. You......quiet" Jungkook lower his head down, sniffling could Suga heard. He hate this. Hate seeing the youngest hurt. But whos he to stop him from being hurt? Hes weak. He cant protect him. Yes, he wished what belongs to him will be not handed into someone's but he failed.

He then felt his eyes drop at his loved presence who was still, non-stop from sobbing. He seems alone. He needs a shoulder to cry with. "Come here" he called him too soft. He so weak. He can mad at him but he just couldnt. Pity for him when it comes to the youngest. All is Jungkook, Jungkook and Jungkook. He would die.

Tiredly dragging himself to the elder, head still hanging down and didnt dare to look up to meet the fond eyes that always have. He stop infront of him, face was mixtured with shyness even though hes scared but the blush pink on his cheeks didnt lie when Suga looks up at him, just stared too long to proceed of what he gonna do but he decided to not look back into the eyes because he knew the look that Suga would give to him is a 'lust'.

"come here" he pat his thigh twice, gestured the youngest to sit there. Eyes travelling all over him, slowly and gently that gave Jungkook uncomfortable condition.

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