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He opened the door, "oh hyung, see who's coming" Deukhwan slowly smirking down at jungkook who was standing infront of the door like he was a foreigner. Jimin approached as he rolled his eyes, "I thought he didn't know the way to go to this house anymore" jimin insinuate while put his arm on Deukhwan's shoulder.

Jungkook hang down his head, "c-can I come in?" He crack some voice. Deukhwan and jimin shared some glance to each others. "Shall we let him hyung?" Deukhwan asked jimin like he own the house with the rest. Jungkook bite his bottom lips. "Just let him. If not, he might cry and I dont want to hear it. Crybaby" jimin hissed jungkook. The 'hissed' made Deukhwan's smirk become more wide with a huff. The 2 of them went in back , leave jungkook to makes himself go to his room without someone interrupt his way as they didn't care about it.

Jungkook felt asleep from the crying. He was badly cry when he was alone in his room even he didn't meet all of his hyungs, but jimin and Deukhwan appearance already hurt his heart. Like a lot. He carefully locked himself in the room. And there he was crying alone. No one were there to comfort him. To be at his side. To say reasurring words. To caressed his hair to make him feel better. There's no one. The sound of Deukhwan with his hyungs laughing downstairs were complete to make him cry more. Felt sad. Felt himself didn't more important to them. Felt himself not useful as always. He sometimes want to live happily with his own, true family that he sure they will give him the love that he want. The true love. But he cant. Jungkook's family were peaceful up there, way from him. But he glad that god had meet him with his others friends, his others hyungs such as sejoung and the important existence was his appa.

Jungkook woke up with the sound of his phone. His phone was ringing. He slowly opened his eyes and reach his phone at the lamp table beside his bed. He look at the caller with his blurry eyes. The eyes doesnt last long when he saw his appa that call him. His eyes shows all the happiness in it. He quickly sat properly on the bed and pick up the call,

"Jungkook-ah? Is that you?" How his miss the voice, he thought

"Appa!! Finally you call!! I miss you so much!!" He really happy and excited in that time but he still control his volume since its already night.

"I miss you too jungkookie" he can felt that his appa was smiling in the other line.

He about to speak but was interrupted, "how are you? Is everything okay?" Jungkook about to cry when he heard his appa voice was really concern towards him. How he miss it.

"Everything good appa. You don't have to worry. How about you? When you will come home?"

"Everything was in control here. Appa not sure jungkook-ah because there's a lot of work to be solve but I think 1 month from now. Appa sorry" he heard the sorry yet guilty tone from his appa mouth.

"Don't say sorry appa. Just take your time. I know the work was important. Don't push yourself okay?"

"You're such a kind and nice son jungkook-ah"

Son. The word. He hopes that the word was true. True that he belongs to this family. But its not.

He try for not to cry, "no a-appa. I'm not~"

"Don't ever say that"


"How's your hyungs? Are they treat you well?" Oh. That's questions that out from his appa mouth. He didn't sure how to answers it. He didn't want their family relation become worst cause of him. He hate being in the middle.

His appa notice the silent treatment that jungkook gave to him. "Jungkook-ah? Are you still there?"

Jungkook back to sense, "oh- uhmm sorry appa. The line was not good here I think. I can't here you properly. Can you ask again?"

Okay, that seem lame. His appa thought

"Are the hyungs treat you well jungkook-ah?"

"Yes appa. They treat me well. You don't have to worry. I'm happy here. You should take care of yourself there appa. I don't want you to get sick. Oh appa, I h-have t-to go. Uhmm there- the hyungs call m- I mean- ahh! The hyungs want me to h-help them. Uhmm I h-have to go. Sorry appa. Love you" then he off the call. He can't talk more to his appa. He just want to cry the fact that his appa ask him about his hyungs. He was weak. He cry again. He can't stand it. Weakness are all over him.

Jungkook now are heading to the kitchen, to get himself some drinks. He took a glass for him and pour his favourite drink into it. After he had put back in the fridge, he turn around to go back at his room. As good as he turn, he collide someone and his glass fall down. He didn't get reach for it. Just a crack sound was heard. He about to say sorry when he noticed the person that he collide was Deukhwan.

"Did you ever have your eyes?!" He shouted at jungkook angryly. Jungkook at first didn't know why Deukhwan was so mad at him but he slowly understand when his eyes were on Deukhwan's shirt.

His. Shirt. Was. Wet.

Oh no. Jungkook whisper to himself.

"Sorry. I didn't realize it. I- I will wash it- "

"No! I don't want your dirty hand wash my cloth! You- "

"What about the noise" jin asked. "Hyung~! Look what he do to my shirt~! " he pouted while pointing at his shirt.

"Did he apologize to you~?" Jin softly asked Deukhwan, caressed Deukhwan's hair to calm him down.

"No" Deukhwan state.

"I already say it hyung. I swear I have say i- "

"Shut. Up." Jungkook then pursed his lips into straight line.

"Don't ever do that to him. Understand?" Jin said to him. He a bit impatient towards jungkook. "Y-yes. I understand"

"Where do you want go huh? I know that hyungs were not here now but it doesn't mean that you can go out without my permission" Deukhwan arrogantly said to jungkook, sit at the couch while watching some movies. "You're not my hyungs" jungkook state.

Deukhwan stand up and go infront of jungkook while crossed his arms, "ouh? Really? How brave was you when the hyungs didn't around"

"I'm not. I just defend what the truth" jungkook a bit polite when answer to Deukhwan. He didn't want to cause any trouble. But Deukhwan as always, stubborn.

"I'm trying to soft talk to you but it seems like you didn't like the soft one huh?" He then grab jungkook's hair hard and tightly that give jungkook yelp for help.

"Ahh! Its hurt Deukhwan! Let. Me. Go.!" He try to beg Deukhwan. But nothing changed but the grip was going harder and really hurt.

"You know it's been a long time to feel like this. Feel like being loved by the hyungs and I'm happy now. Because what? Because I can feel it now but I'm still didn't satisfied with you!" The last word was along with the tight grip on jungkook's hair that shows that his really mad with jungkook.

"Deukhwan, I said let. Me. Go.!" Jungkook really can't handle the hurt. He was half cry, try to held the pain. Deukhwan then release his hand from jungkook's hair and push him to the floor harshly.

"Arghhh" jungkook moan in pain. Not longer than that, jungkook vision become blurry. The world felt like spinning before his eyes closed (faint).

'I'm in trouble', said Deukhwan to himself.


A/N : hi!!!❤❤❤ another update for all of you! Hope you like it🙏❤ see you in the next chapter!😘❤ 

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