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Whooppss!! Im just kiddying!!😘😁 This is the continued chapter. Have fun!!♥♥♥

"Appa home" said BPD when he entered the house as sign that he already back. "Why so late?" The youngest ask while come downstairs. "You don't have to worry~ jam" his appa smile, "where's the others?" BPD asked jungkook while searching the rest. Jungkook didn't get to replied when the 6 of them approached BPD with "hi appa~!". Jungkook felt uncomfortable when his hyungs around him now because the incident at the room. "Let me bought this to the kitchen appa" jungkook took the groceries bag from BPD hand and go towards the kitchen, try to run from his hyungs.

"Lets help appa cook you guys" their appa said, want some help. "Of course we will. Let's go" Jin said happily. No matter his happy because its about cooking. All of them know that the eldest really love to cook. "Suga ssi, please take a bowl for this flour" his appa instruct him. Suga replied with an 'okay'. Suga go to the kitchen. He saw jungkook wash some dishes. "Jungkook-ah, pass the bowl please" suga said to him because jungkook was near the place that bowl,plates and other were put. Jungkook took the bowl and handed to suga without said anything. Suga feel a bit weird cuz jungkook rarely this silent.

"Hey~ are you okay?" Suga asked jungkook. "Yea~ why?" Jungkook asked his hyung back, like something didn't happened. Suddenly, v came to the kitchen, "what's going on here hyung?" Asked v. "Jungkook didn't want to talk taehyung-ah~ see?" Suga said to v while pointing at jungkook. "Why jungkook?" V the second person asked him why his attitude suddenly changed. Jungkook about to talk but was cut by their appa, "suga, wheres the bowl?". Then, suga said, "its here~! Wait~!", leave the two of them in awwarkd situation. "I will go upstairs first hyung" jungkook said and go upstairs to his room quickly. V just stay silent, didn't know what to react.


When BPD prepared for breakfast, the 6 of them decided to check jungkook at his room.

"Jungkook-ah~?" Jimin came in to jungkook room with the rest were behind him. "Yah~! Why all of you here? Aigoo~ go go" jungkook said when he noticed all his hyungs went into his room. "Why?" Jin laugh, didn't know and didn't understand why the maknae be like that. "Our jungkookie very shy after we kish him I think~!" Rapmon suddenly said while smile. He very love to tease the youngest. "Is that you didn't want to talk to us?" Jimin asked him while smile, make jungkook feel more uncomfortable. "Go~! Leave me~!" Jungkook whined and begging his hyung for out from his room. The rest laugh lovely at him. "Aigoo~ let's eat" jimin said while put one of his hand on jungkook shoulder.


The next day, jungkook's hyungs come to their appa house with Deukhwan. On that day, their appa were not home until lunch that leave the 8 of them in the house. When jungkook's hyungs were busy about some stuff together, Deukhwan come to jungkook who watched some movies at the dining room.

"Yah!!!" Deukhwan push jungkook harshly. "What the hell are you?!!" Jungkook automatically raised up his voice. He really didn't like when someone bother him like that when he was doing something. Moreover with that young boy, Deukhwan. "You!! You are the one that stole my things right?!!" Deukhwan said, pointing at him, that make jungkook stand up in front of him. "What are you talking about huh?? Hey~! Think first!!! I didn't live with you and now you said that I !! Who stole your things? That's funny Deukhwan-ah!" Jungkook just said with all of his hearts. He really fed up with Deukhwan behaviour.

"Then?!! Who else?!! Told me!!" Deukhwan raised his voice more. "Hold on hold on. What's going on here?" Rapmon asked them what had happen with the others who waiting for some answers. They heard the loud voice that made by jungkook and deukhwan from upstairs. "He stole my things hyung" Deukhwan said to rapmon in a slow yet spoil voice. 

"How could it be jungkook?" Rapmon asked Deukhwan back. He want to hear from Deukhwan and Jungkook mouth. "I see with my two eyes!!" Deukhwan said while look at jungkook. "YAH!! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!! can't you just not lie?!!" Jungkook shocked when Deukhwan mentioned about him that he totally didn't do that. "Look~ we didn't know who's was telling the truth now~" jin said, try to calm the situation but it seem didn't work. "Oh now you dont trust me~? Huh?" Jungkook a bit dissapointed when his hyungs didn't believe him of what he said. "Its not like that" the 95 liners said together to jungkook. "HE'S LIE!! YOU GUYS SHOULD TRUST ME!!" Deukhwan with his stubborn want the hyungs to trust him beside jungkook.

"We didn't know the truth Deukhwan-ah~ we can't decided" suga started to uttered. "You dont love me anymore hyung~?" Deukhwan asked softly, acting sad in front of them that make jungkook rolled his eyes. "No2 it just-" jin didn't finish his word. "WHAT!! JUST WHAT!!" Deukhwan can't control himself. The hyungs gave a big sigh. "Okay~ we trust you" v said to Deukhwan. "WHAT?!!" Jungkook shocked of what his hyung said. He really can't believe it. "Can you please don't shout?!" V a bit stress with the loud voice that jungkook make.

"Are you crazy hyungs?" Jungkook asked his hyungs slowly, didn't want to be rude. "If we think back, Deukhwan can't lie right?" Jimin immediately responded confidently of what jungkook asked. "Hyungs!! You-" jungkook got cut by, "STOP!! can you just admit it?!" Jhope said to him, seem a bit tension with jungkook that didn't want to accept the fact. "I'm not gonna admit it if its not true!" Jungkook tell his hyungs the truth but as always, the hyungs didn't heard him. "Let's go. Don't think about him" suga harshly said while go upstairs with the rest. Deukhwan the last one didn't move yet. Deukhwan about to go upstairs but he stopped for awhile. "I'm sooooo sorry my friend~ I'm really pity for you ~" Deukhwan laugh evily, "bye~" he said with his meaningful smile to jungkook.

Urghhh!!! Just wait Deukhwan. I'm still not enough with you, thought jungkook.

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