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The next day, the hyungs and Deukhwan decided to go to BPD house together to have a dinner.

"Hi appa~" v waved happily. "You're coming!!" BPD said excitedly. "Calm down appa, hahahaha" jhope laughed. "Come in come in" BPD said to them n smiled. "What we have for dinner?" Jin asked . "let's make steak!!!" Jimin give a suggestion. "Yeah! Good idea hyung!" Deukhwan agreed. "Okay2 we will do it~" BPD just comply with it.

Suddenly rapmon asked, "just 8 of us appa?" While looking everywhere, try to find someone. "Yeah~ why?" BPD look at him. "Urmm~ where j- nevermind~" suga changed his mind for not to asked.

Hour by hour go and its already time for dinner. They all sit together at the kitchen table.

"Let's eat!!" Deukhwan said as he can't control his temper. As one of them want to speak...

"Mianhae I'm late~"jungkook run to them with a heavy breath. All of them watch jungkook lovingly except the one and only Deukhwan.

"Nah~ its okay. You're just in time jungkook" BPD said to him. "I will go change first~"jungkook said and towards go to his room. "Wish!! Why he so late~! I'm already hungry" Deukhwan show his not-to-be patient. "Deukhwan-ah, please behave" BPD said to him, try to not get angry.

Not longer than that, jungkook come down with a simple yet cute cloth

"Are you done?" His appa asked him. "Yeah" he said and take a sit beside BPD.  The hyungs was taking a sip of water but get choked when they look at jungkook. They really can't handle his cuteness.

"Yah2!! Are you guys okay?" BPD asked them as his son seem sooo weird. "Are you okay hyungs?" Deukhwan also asked. "Yeah, we okay, don't worry" jhope smile embrassed. "Sorry~ just choked some water tho" v add.


While BPD and Deukhwan were talking about some stuff, jungkook go out to take some fresh air and not longer than that, the hyungs saw jungkook and go out to him.

"What are yout doing here?" Jimin asked him first. "Its really cold outside" the caring jhope was showing.  Just take some air~" he replied while back facing them. Without jungkook know, the hyungs walk to him slowly until their already behind him and when jungkook turn around...

"Yah~! You scared me" jungkook whined while showimg his scared cute face. "You look really cute in cloth jungkook-ah~" suga said wwhile stroking jungkook hair slowly. "We really gonna die if you continuously ~" v aLSO joined suga . "look~" jimin hold jungkook chin to make he face him, "no matter how it is~ you're gonna forever be ours okay" jimin finished his sentences with a smiled.


"Hyungs!!! What are you doing there?" Deukhwan shouted from inside. The hyungs totally shocked but luckily Deukhwan can't see what they're doing Cuz its back facing.

"We give jungkook some lesson for make you like that" jin said to him, didn't want Deukhwan know the truth is. "Yeah, he really need that lesson" rapmon said. Jungkook didn't dare to talk cuz he also confused what's going on there. "Awww~! Thanks hyungs but let's go!! I'm sleepy" Deukhwan said and rubbed his eyes.

"Okay2~ you call appa first. We wI'll be waiting here" jhope told him. "Alright" Deukhwan follow n go inside. "Uhmmm~ I want to go inside, anyeong~" jungkook said quickly and walk a bit before jin said to him , "wait jungkook-ah!" . "hmm?" Jungkook turned n look at him. "Didn't want give us a kish?" Jimin try to asked him more

Jungkook just smile shyly and the hyungs can't hhelp but to laugh at their maknae.

"Let's go hyungs!!" Deukhwan said as he saw the 'lovely' moments there. "Anyeong~" BPD said to them. "Anyeong appa~!" They all replied back.


-next day-

"JINJJA!!! awww~ that's adorable~" Jackson squealed. "Yeah jungkook!! You sshould be used to it as a maknae~" mark try to make jungkook feel guilty to his hyungs . "I don't think I can~ its really uncomfortable guys~" jungkook try to explained why he didn't want to do that. "Aigoo~ my friend really sh-" . "yah2 stop it!!" Jungkook hit the 2 of them playfully. The three of them just laugh together happily.


About 1 week, the hyungs and jungkook didnt see each oother until one night.

On the phone 

Jungkook : appa~ I will just go to hyungs house to    sleep okay~ I'm really tired to drive a your house

BPD : aigoo~ okay jungkook-ah plus its really okay cuz Deukhwan not there if appa didn't get wrong (teasing)

Jungkook : what do you mean ap- OH NO!! APPA~! I REALLY DONT LIKE IT!! (whined)

BPD : (laugh) okay2 goodnight

Jungkook : goodnight too appa

End of call


Jungkook knocked the door and someone opened it.

"Oh? Jungkook-ah~ why are you here?" Jhope shocked to see his lovely maknae in front of him. "Who's that Jh- OH MY~ JUNGKOOKIE!!" Rapmon kinda shocked but happy at the sAME time. "Hehe~ can i sleep here hyungs in this night? I'm really sleepy and tired to drive to appa house~" jungkook said to his 2 loved hyungs. "Of course you can!!!" Jhope and rapmon shouted happily. "Come in " jhope smiled.

The three of them walked inside.

"Jungkook-ah~! You're here?" The rest said together as they saw jungkook wall in. "Can i sleep here for a night? I'm really sleepy aand tired tho to go back to appa house~" he said again to them. "Sure!!! Let's us show you room~" jin said. 

They all go upstairs and jungkook follow them from behind.

"Alright~ you can sleep here" v said and smile to his favourite dongsaeng. "Thanks" jungkook returned with a smile too,

All the hyungs go out to take a shpower before sleep and same goes to jungkook. After that, the hyungs decided to check jungkook in his room together. As they come in

"Jung- oh? He aalready sleep!!" Suga shouted in a whispering voice. "He must be really tired" jhope look at jungkook wwith a full of love. "He so cute hyungs~" v also admired him. "Yeah he just like a baby when he sleep~" jin said in motherly tone.

The hyungs tip toed for not to wake up their maknae n give jungkook a goodnight kiss on his cheek as they know that jungkook really didn't comfortable if they kiss him on the (he he you right :-) )

"Goodnight jungkook-ah~" they all whisper and smile at him and go to their room, drift to sleep.


A/N : hi my lovely readers!!! How's the comeback?!! Its so FKAFIEMVOSOQDKWKDOALDMKAAO RIGHT!!!! N there's yoonkook!!!! I rreally love the new song!!!!

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