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-next day-

No one POV 

"Deukhwan-ah~if jungkook did anything to you, just tell us okay?" Jin said worriedly. "Okay hyung I will" he replied innocently(as if). "Aish, I really don't like jungkook. We really didn't know that jungkook was like that" v said dissapointedly. "Don't say his name anymore, I don't want to hear" jimin said as he really mad at their maknae. "Come on~lets go eat outside to eat guys".


-BPD hhouse-


I heard someone knocked my door. I opened it at saw jungkook with his sad face, come inside to my house and take a sit at the sofa. "Oh jungkook-ah? Why are you coming?" I asked him cuz he rarely come to my house except if something happened. "Nothing appa~" he replied, stick with that face. I really know jungkook if he's lie or not at me. "Come on~ tell me" I persuade him. He told the whole story n I of course was shocked at once and was totally mad at my cousin. 

"I know you didn't believed me" he add. "Ani, appa trust you" . "really? The hyungs didn't trust me and how could you trust me just like that?" He asked. "I really trust you jungkook-ah. If you wanna know~ deukhwan ssi is very good at acting if he want something that he really want to get it n hes not easy to give up" I explained to him. "Ahh~ really? No matter you're believe me". "I always believed you" I said and patted his shoulder.


After went to his appa house, he come back to his hyungs house. 

"I'm home" he said slowly. "Where's the others? Maybe they have fun together with Deukhwan~haih~" he thought to himself and go upstairs to take a shower.

About 3 hours after, they finally come home with full of laughter and happiness. Jungkook in the room, feel so sad Cuz he can clearly hear each sentences or word that they talked about. How he miss the moments with his hyungs that no one can describe the happiness inside his heart.

"Okay2 that's w-wa-wa-was funny!! Hahahaha. UA stop it!!" Jin said between the laughter. "OK OK I will" suga replied, try to hold the laughter too. "I go to jungkook room first" jin said before he went up.


"Yah, ireona!!" Jin shouted at jungkook who sleep peacefully". "Yeah?" Jungkook responded as he sit up. "Come downstairs to have dinner! Don't be so late! You're not a king or prince charming for us to wait for you!!" Jin said. "Alright" jungkook just replied properly.

After jungkook finished to prepared himself, he go downstairs and take a sit beside jin.

"Why are you so late? Do you know how hungry we was?" Jimin said with annoyed tone. "Sorry~" I didn't even want to be late" jungkook said while look at the floor. "Whatever, let's eat".

Jungkook didn't eat too much as he lost his appetite and the hyungs just ignored and didn't care about it.

"Jungkook ssi, can you help me to buy some groceries?" Deukhwan asked him kindly (acted). "Just by your own self" jungkook replied lazily. "What's wrong with you?!" V started to get angry. "I already have a plan today, so I can't be disturb by someone" jungkook replied, didn't care what his hyungs gonna replied. "You! L-" jhope get cut by jungkook. "Say what you wanna say hyungs~ I'm already not have a space in you guys hearts~ so what else I gonna do? Just be myself and don't think I'm scared toward you! (Pointing at deukhwan) deukhwan ssi. If you want the hyungs~ just have!! And don't play such a dirty games!!!" Jungkook said as he really fed up with his hyungs that always backup deukhwan. He rolled his eyes and go out while slam in the door.

"Hyungs~ I really didn't do that" deukhwan said as he started to cry, fake cry. "Ani~ani, we believed you okay~?" Rap mon try to smooth the situation. "Yeah, just let him be" jin said. "Good~now my plan was totally working" he said whispering to himself. "What are you saying Deukhwan?" Rapmon asked him cuz he didn't hear what he said. "Ahhh nothing hyung~ he he". "You're so cute" suga said to him while smiled. "Yeah~definetly" v and jimin add.


The clock reprence at 10:00 in the night and jungkook still didn't coming home and all the hyungs got a call from BPD.

"Hello?" V answer. "V-ah, where's the others?" BPD asked him. "Oh appa~ they in the room with me now. Why? ". "Can you open the speaker to make sure all of them can hear?" . "okay2 wait a second.........its already on appa~ tell us why you call" . "can all of you come to appa house now?" BPD asked. "For?" Suga asked back. "Jungkook is fainted awhile ago and now I want you to take care of him" BPD replied. "Its not a trouble appa" jhope said in the other line. "Yeah, he totally fine just a fainted duh~" jimin agreed with jhope. 

"How could you say like that. I thought you care so much about jungkook before. Is this cuz of Deukhwan?" BPD asked, want some explanation. "Come on appa~ deukhwan is more kind than he is" v didn't want to gave up. "I have to end now cuz I have to take care jungkook cuz you all know why? Cuz he have 6 hyungs around him but sadly its look like he don't have any!!" BPD  sneered them. "Ap-". "He's already end it~ I think he mad at us" rapmon said, kind of frustrated. "Yeah but seriously that jungkook, always cause problem" jin said.


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