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After a 'warning' to the youngest, they heading to door which Deukhwan was standing and waiting for them.

Between them, they can smell the tense atmosphere that was flying around. No one of them seem to be okay with this unofficial reunite. Sure was the thing that Deukhwan hopes. He sometimes try to confidence himself while says some reasurring words to less pressure.

Jin, Suga, Jhope, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung were the opposite. Calming themselves not gonna work without jungkook's help. For the rest of their life, meet Deukhwan was a no for them. They hate him.

But gladly, the youngest knew their weakness spot. No one can endure with jungkook. Even every little moment that he do, surely can make them fell with his charms.

On the other hand, Deukhwan was totally regret of what he do towards jungkook, the youngest of BPD's family. He shouldn't play when they first meet. Everything was going badly with his failed arrangement. He just could pray the best for the hyungs to forgive him and makes his life easier without any tugged sin in his life.

"What are you gonna talking about?" Namjoon the first one approached Deukhwan and be the main character of this scene. He's a bit calming although his nerves can't go too long.

Deukhwan taken back of what had Namjoon talk to him. Yes. He just be himself but Deukhwan can feel the impatient through his body. He gulped for once, "Hi.....uhm......"

"We don't need you to greet us. We just want to know why are you coming here and please be faster. Our time are not gonna be waste with the worthless thing" Suga interpose him but his tone can clearly see that he was judging Deukhwan but in a kind way even though not that kind because he's suga. He will do what he want to. No one could stop him.

From Namjoon to Suga, it were a big punch all over his body. He felt guilty and insulted within that time. Just a two person could makes him felt down and how about the four more left?

"Ok....I'm sorry- I j-just- I'm sorry" he gave up to talk casually as always and ended up turn his gaze to the floor. He somehow facepalm. He always asking himself that why he do this thing to jungkook. He didn't do wrong to him even for once. He kinda or really ashamed with his actions before this. He spend all his times to success his plan but eventually broke it up.

Jungkook's hyung not shock at all. They knew that Deukhwan will craving for their forgiveness one time. And now, its the answer.

"You think we can forgive you that easily?" Jhope slightly frowned while his arms were crossed tiedly. Tip toed in his heart, there's no some movements show that he want to forgive this boy.

"J-just tell me whatever that can payback all my fault that I had done. Please. Anything as long as its worth enough for you to forgive me" desperate tone was all hear beside begging them. They can see Deukhwan's eyes that exit and slowly watery.

They hate seeing someone crying infornt of them. Want to admit it or not, they weak for that. They just want to comforts this boy and just give him a hug.

But, No. No. No.

Maybe a forgiveness but not a comforts.

They sighed, "we forgive you"

Deukhwan's eyes gone wide in disbelief, "you what? Y-you for-forgive me?" He want some conforming.

They let out another sighed, "yes. Please don't ask again or not we will take back our words" jimin straight his words but Deukhwan not scared or aware of it when he attack him with a tight hug.

Jimin was shocked. He didn't return the hug back until the end.

"Thank you hyungs. Really" he grinning widely, happily. It was a happy day for him. It really relieve him a lot. Some heavy problems that give more weight on him, for some reason, its gone slowly when a forgiveness was on his side.

With that, without great Deukhwan any word, they make their way in the house back but speed enough for Deukhwan to catch one of them as the rest also stop.

"Hyungs. Thank you" he smiled which the rest can't functioning what's going on. 

"Yeah. We have to go"

Even though they didn't return a smile back, but Deukhwan still managed to smile again, "okay. I will go too I guess" he said and give a last flash smile to them and went out.

+ message +

From : Deukhwan

Thank you jungkook-ah! Without your kindness, hyungs will not forgive me

To : Deukhwan

No. Its not because of me Deukhwan. You deserve their forgiveness

From : Deukhwan

No. Its you. But really jungkook-ah, thanks a lot.

To : Deukhwan

Its not a problem and your welcome anyway

+ Group Chat +

° suga left °

° namjoon left °

° jin left °

° jhope left °

° jimin left °

° taehyung left °

One participant left

• Deukhwan •


A/N : hi!! ❤❤❤ sorry for the late update, love 🙏 but really, thank you for the comments in the previous chapter and the like too!❤ but I'm sorry for not reply to your comments yet but I will! 😊❤ I love you! 😘

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