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"JINJJA!!!! LOOK I HAVE SAID THAT!!" Mark said shockly when jungkook told him what just happen awhile ago in his house. "TRUST US JUNGKOOK!! YOUR HYUNGS DEFINITELY MISS YOU SO MUCH!!" Jackson said confidently. "I don't know Jackson-ah~" jungkook said as he didn't sure about that. "Its okay~ if you don't believe, just wait for a little, its coming!!" Jackson said to him. "Yup just wait" add Mark.


-2 days aago-

Jungkook was about to entered his appa house, he heard some noise that was laughing with his appa inside and its his hyungs were there. He also wondering why his hyungs come this day.

As jungkook had entered, "jungkook-ah~! Your hyungs is here" BPD said to him, look kind of happy. "Oh? Anyeong~" jungkook said awwarkdly. "Anyeong jungkook-ah" the hyungs replied to him with a big smile. "Aigoo~ jungkook-ah, greet them" BPD said to him. "I already do~" jungkook replied back. "Nah~ I mean at least give them a hug" BPD smile. "H-hug?" Jungkook suttured as he really didnt want to do that but he had too. Jungkook hug his hyungs one by one but the movement was really awwarkd as they didn't meet each other yet. 

When jungkook hug them, in their hearts...

"How I missed his scent" - v

"He's scent really soothing ~ jungkook-ah~!" - suga

"His touch, his scent" - jhope

"I really miss him" - rapmon

"Aww jungkookie~ you seriously~" - jin


"Jungkook-ah, call your hyungs to come down to eat okay?" BPD said to him. "Appa~!" Jungkook whined cuz he didn't comfartable yet to face his hyungs or talk to them. "Just go" BPD said to him, pat his back and give a reasurring smile.

Jungkook go upstairs with a doubtful feeling. As he already in front of the door, he came in. "Uhmmm~" . " yeah? What do you want jungkook-ah?" Suga the first one who saw him, asked. "Hy-hyungs~~~" he called them as he not surely to say that word. 

The hyungs really touched when jungkook call them 'hyungs' Cuz how long had it been when the last time jungkook call them that name.

"Hyungs~ appa call h-hyungs to come down to eat...." He said one by one. Jungkook realised that his hyungs didn't give any response and he thought that he hyungs were mad at him cuz call that 'name'

"Mianhae~ I will not call hy-" "no~ its fine, even we missed you call us like that" v said to him. "Yeah~ just call us okay~? Jimin said and smile lovingly. "Alright h-hyungs~" jungkook smile awwarkdly. "Come on, let's go downstairs" jin said to all his dongsaengs.


"Why so late?" BPD asked them as he really tired waiting. "Nothing appa~" jhope n rapmon said together, smile while taking a sit, same goes to the others. They were enjoy eating in a very silent yet peaceful time.

"Jungkook-ah~ can you pass hyung the chicken?" Jhope asked jungkook some help. "Here~" jungkook hand in. "Jungkook-ah~ give to me also~" jimin whined. "Me also!!" The rest said, as they want messing to their maknae. "Aigoo~ don't be like that" BPD who watching, laugh with his son behaviour. "Aniya~ its okay appa" jungkook said to BPD while handing the chicken to his hyungs.

"Why you guys like this?" BPD asked jungkook's hyungs. "Jungkook is so cute appa~" jhope replied along with a bright smile. "Yeah~ we cant help~" rapmon also said. "A-ani-aniya~ I'm not cute hyungs" jungkook said as he embrassed with his hyungs suddenly propose. "Awww~ yes you are jungkook ssi" v said to him back.


"Bye appa~" the hyungs said to their appa together. "Bye~ appa will call jungkook. Wait" BPD said to them and he come inside the house to call jungkook. "Jungkook-ah~ want to go already, say a proper goodbye" . "alright appa~" jungkook follow his appa instruction. "You want to go already hyungs?" Jungkook asked as he stand infront the main door. "Yeah~ we will come tomorrow, and you must be here too" the eldest said to him. "Why?" The youngest asked. "How come we came to appa house and you're not here? We want to see our cute maknae" suga replied and Smile to him.

"Hyungs~ I'm not cute. Deukhwan is" jungkook try again to tell his hyungs that hes not cute. "Ani~ you're more cute than him" v state . "yup. You really make us gone crazy" jimin said and explained with his face. "Hyungs~!" Jungkook whined cutely and stomp his feet. "You're too cute!" Rapmon said as he also cannot help with his maknae cuteness. " aigoo~ just go home. Its already late" jungkook try run from the topic and try to hide his shyness.

"Don't want give us a goodbye kiss?" Suga teased him. " I-I-I have to go~ goodbye hyungs~! Go go" jungkook didn't want be in this situation longer. "Aww~ jungkook really ashamed!!" V tease him more. "Aish~ go go" jungkook deport them desperately. "Hahaha alright~ anyeong cutie-ah~" rapmon smile.

Jungkook just ignored them and direct go in cuz he really shy and the hyungs laugh so lovely at their dongsaeng that was totally cute. They can't help.

"Aigoo~ why my hyungs like that~! Its weird!" Jungkook said to himself as he closed the door.


A/N :  sorry my lovely readers!!! I'm very sorry for the late update cuz I'm really busy with school :-( .. I'm feel bad for make you guys waiting. Sorry so much!!! N sorry for the boring chapter~! 

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