Chapter 4

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I woke up, my head banging. I tried to sit up but got dizzy, and fell back onto the bed with a thump. I looked around, I recognised the covers, the bed, and the dog that now had her head on my stomach. It was Narla, T's dog, I looked down and saw I was in a different shirt, and different trousers. I shook my head, but it made it worse and I couldn't see anything now.

I lay there for maybe 5 minutes, clapping Narla when the door opened. I opened my eyes to see T walk into her room with a glass of water and paracetamol. She sat down on the bed beside me, stoking Narla smiling at me. I tried to sit up again, but her hand was on my chest keeping on the bed laying down. I didn't get the chance to move before she stopped me. She laughed at me as she pushed me back on the bed. I let out and "Ooph" as she did so. I looked at her with a confused look. She laughed at me and helped me sit up on the bed. I winced as I put pressure on my right wrist, but before I could fall she was on her knees supporting me. I looked at my wrist, there was a bandage covering my full fore arm. I must have been staring at it because I got shook by Tulisa. "Hey sleepy, you ok?" she asked me. I tried to focus my eyes, and to my surprise, it worked. I could see cleary again, and all I saw was Tulisa holding me up on the bed. I smiled weakly at her. "Erm, I think so, what happened exactly, and what time is it?" I asked her all at once. She propped me up against the head board of the bed, and Sat properly beside me. "Well first, I was dealing with your cut, and when I sprayed the spray on it u clenched your fist, re-opening your cut," she paused at bit then started again. "You noticed the blood I guess and fainted, I caught you though," she said looking me. She took out her fone unlocked it and gave it to me. I looked at her a bit confused, I saw the time and it said 8am. I noticed she was instagram, it came up on her fone. I looked at her weirdly, but then she took the fone from me typed in it quickly to reveal my instagram page. I shrunk inside myself, as she handed me the fone back. I looked at the fone again and noticed she had brought up a picture.of my left arm, marks all over it. I locked the fone and handed it back to her, only seeing the picture for a few seconds. I hid my face from her, scared to look at her. She put her hand under my chin, making me face her. I closed my eyes before I saw her, fighting back tears as she moved my head. "Open your eyes V, I ain't gonna say nothing, except one thing." She paused before taking my hand in hers, I couldn't look at her. She pulled me closer to her because Narla had left and was in another room. She held me close to her and I felt her move. She grabbed my other hand and put something in it. I opened my eyes to see my fone, unlocked and in my messages. I clicked on my mum and read the texts. The first one read, 'I got a fone call from Tulisa, she said you were asleep and she had clothes you could wear. Have fun, see you in a couple of days.' I looked up at T, she was looking down at me, I sighed and and hugged her. She hugged me back and then pulled away. She arm and showed me it. "So, how did you really do this, I know you were lying to me when I saw how deep it was," she looked at me, she was holding me close to her, just not a hug. I took a deep breath on and sighed. "I wasn't completely lying to you, I wasn't self harming honest, it was and accident, I was out and we were hanging around and we got caught, but I got trapped in a fenced and my.mate ripped me out and carried out the grounds over the road until we were safe!" I said, all in one. She pulled me into a hug and hug and sighed. "Why didn't you tell me that the first time babe, I wouldn't have said nothing," She got up off the bed and pulled me with her. She dragged about the room and into the kitchen. She left me at the island and I sat down, looking at her walk around the kitchen. She went over to the fridge and  pulled a Capri Sun and gave it to smiling. I opened it and took a sip, before I could say anything she was at the cooker making what smelled like pancakes.

After lunch we were watching a movie. I was snuggled up to T and she an arm around me protectively, Narla lying on top of us.I looked up at her, she had her eyes on the movie, but then she noticed I was looking at her and she looked down. "What is it muffin?" she asked. "Nothing, I adjusted wanted to thank you, for helping me with my.cut, letting me stay here, and fining my mum, means a lot T!" I smiled and she kissed my forehead. "It's nothing Vharrey, honest, I just have this connection with you, I don't know why," she laughed, and I laughed with her. "So..." she said, "What part of Scotland are you from?" She asked me, still looking at me. I smiled at her. " I'm from North Ayrshire, By the Furth of Clyde, across from Arran," She looked at me then smiled, I smiled too. She then smirked at me like she had an idea. I looked up at her and she shouted, "Gareth, help me get her!"  She pushed me off the couch and started tickling me. I was kicking and screaming my head off when Gareth came down the stairs laughing and joining in.

I was pinned the the floor, Tulisa sitting on me tickling me and Gareth tickling my feet. I managed to get my arms free and grab Tulisa, throwing herrors off of me. I started to run away when I was grabbed from behind, someone's strong arms went around my waist holding me there. I squirmed in his arms until Tulisa came over to me and took me out of his arms. She sat me.down on the floor facing her. I growled at her, " So. Not. Funny. T!" I growled and she licked me up and spinned me around. I smile at her and she smiled at me.

We were in our own little world when someone picked us both up and slammed us on the couch. I looked up to see Dappy shadowing me, he was laughing at me and then sat down. I look down and noticed I was still crushed against Tulisa, who was laughing her head off. I went to get off her when she pulled me back down. I tried to get up but she held me there, I was laughing till I ripped myself from her arms and screaming.

"Shit!" She screamed and she quickly picked my up and put something over my eyes. I was starting hyperventilat, she handed over to what felt like Dappy. I heard them talking, Tulisa running around the kitchen looking for things. I started to black out, "Tulisa, help," I groaned and felt someone take me out of Dappy's arms. I was placed on the couch, she was talking to Dappy, then at me. "Vharrey, it's ok calm down, don't close your eyes ok, I know it hurts but don't!" She screamed. "T, I-I- can't, T it, it's too har..." I trailed off.

Just before I blacked out the thing got lifted from my eyes and all I saw was light. I felt a hand on my cheek, I was dizzy and I started to hear voices. "T man what's going on?" I heard Dappy say, "She can't see blood Dappy, it scares her and she blacks out, she cut her wrist and if I didn't deal with it she would've lost a lot more blood than she did," she said looking at me. I lifted my hand and found something, "T, Is that you?" I asked, she put her hand over mine, my vision cleared and saw it was on her cheek.

"Yeh its me V, I'm right here," She smiled at me, she pulled me up and pulled me.into her arms. My vision was clear now and I looked around, I saw my wrist and something over a new bandage. Tulisa moved my wrist out of my sight so I couldn't see it. I hugged her tougher with my one arm, It was awkward hugging her with only my left arm but I didn't care. I went to look down but she stopped me, I looked up at her confused. She looked down into ny eyes, " You can't look down sweetie, when I was dealing with your arm, there was blood everywhere, my legs are kinda covered in it, and u are too," she smiled "Dappy, where's Dappy?" I remembered he was here. "He's off getting you some clothes, I told him to get some of my old shirts and one of my tops, he'll be down soon," she said kissing my head. I nodded and hugged her, I looked up to see swirling lights. I noticed I was kinda crying when her thumb went over my cheeks, wiping away my tears.

" Thanks T, for putting that thing over my eyes, if I had saw that blood I would be out in a minute, I nearly was until I pulled it off and the light hit me!" I slurred. "No problem V, no problem, now come on, let's finish watching the Lion King," she giggled and I nodded, turning to face the screen, still with her arms around me.

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