Chapter 22

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Tulisa's POV

I was woken up by voices. I sat up and saw Vharrey. She was talking in her sleep. "What the fuck is going on!" I heard her scream. "No not again!" "I can't be here, not again!". I left her. She mentioned Andrew, wasn't that her mate. "Andrew!" "Babe is that you?" she said panicking. Babe? Was he her boyfriend. I left her. I didn't want her to get a fright by being woken up.

20 Minutes Later

Tulisas POV

After 20 minutes she woke up. She looked scared. "Andrew!" She screamed then looked shocked. She saw me sitting there then melted. I pulled her into my chest. She was shaking. "Vharrey, where were you?" I asked her stroking her hair. "What?" She asked looking up at me. Her blue eyes were sparkling with tears. "You were screaming in your sleep, then mentioned Andrew, who you called babe btw!" I said and laughed a bit. She sat up really fast. She started to wobble but held my hand. Thus was different. She never grabbed for help, she had to try herself. As she grabbed at me to stay still I let her. "Oh sorry!" she quickly moved her hand away. "No, don't be, you finally asked for my help!" I said smiling and she looked at me. "I did?" She asked. "Yes, you held onto me like your life depended on it!" I laughed and she smiled.

I had to know what her dream was about. "So anyways, where were you?" I asked her and her smile faded. "I I don't know where I was, I mean I woke up in the dark, and well I don't know!"  She said and played with her hands. "And where does Andrew come into this?" I asked curios. "Oh em, he was there with me, we had been well handcuffedtogether!" She mumbled the last bit. "You two were what?" I asked nudging her a bit. "We were... handcuffed together ok!" She said looking down. Why were they handcuffed. "Vharrey, why were you handcuffed and what happened when you found out!" I asked worried a bit. "We were hugging coz i was scared, and when I asked him what he was handcuffed to he said me. And when I went to hug him again he sorta kissed me. And I kissed back!" She hid her face. "Aww, you like him!" I playfully hit her arm and she blushed. But why did she scream 'not again'? I needed to know why she was so scared. "Have you ever been there I mean what happened, tell me everything, I need to know!" I took her hands in mine. She needed to know I would protect her.

"I have been there before, but I don't when how or when. I know Andrew was there," She paused "This dream is so familiar, like iv had it more than once, but it doesn't matter I'm ok!" She said and pulled me into a hug. "Well come in, it's only 4:30am, let's go back to sleep ok babe!" I said and she nodded. I went to lie down but Vharrey pulled me closer to her. She wrapped my arms around her, being careful not to hurt my broken one. I waited until she was completely asleep, before drifting off myself.

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