Chapter 54

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Vharreys POV

After going through my nightmare again and again in excruciating pain and detail I heard a voice. It was Gareth. I looked up from Tulisa's chest to see him standing there. "Daddy!" I kept over to him crying and I placed my ear over his heart. Just so there was proof he wasn't dead. Just so I I had proof he wasn't dead. "I was so scared, I th, thought you died! I tried to save you, but you told me to get mum first and I got her on the dock and then I went back for you and my.lungs were burning so I took longer with you and I couldn't get you to breathe again!" I cried really hard until I noticed something. "Where is she? Where is Shannon?" I screamed and I tried to run out the room but someone held me back. "No, get off of me!" I screamed and then they pinned me. "NATALIA! I'm here!" Shannon shouted my middle name and I relaxed instantly. Not many people knew my middle name so it was a relaxing subject. "Come here!" She whispered and hugged me closely to her. I gripped her tightly and then my stomach hurt. I rolled my shirt up and it was all red. "Aghhhhh!" I tried to hold it in but I let out my pain. Shannon looked at me then nodded to Ryan.

He came over to me and covered my mouth gently. I digged my nails into his arm as the screams left my mouth in a mumble. "Hurry up Shann, it's a bit sore now, she'll break the skin!" Ryan moaned and I tried to release my grip but he stopped me. I felt hands on my stomach then something cold. "Ok Vharrey calm down now, it's going to get a bit cold then it'll be fine!" I felt my stomach muscles clench and then the pain slipped away. My nails came out if Ryan's skin and he moved his hand away from my mouth. I sighed and I let my eyes close. "It happened again?" I asked and I looked at Shannon. "Yea, you must of hurt it in your sleep... or something else!" She whispered the last bit and I blushed. "Not my fault, I got elbowed!" I moaned and she smirked. It was the bruise on my abdomen that caused the pain. It comes and goes and they all know exactly what to do. "I'm out of sports arent I?" I asked and Shannon nodded while Ryan pecked my lips.

I looked at T and she crossed her arms raising an eye brow. I smiled. "Not what you think!" I blurted out and she nodded then smiled. I blushed and I felt strong arms lift me onto the bed. "Come on baby, your going to sleep with your mum and dad tonight. We are going to take T's room! Night Natie!" Ryan said and left the room with everyone. "Keep a hold of him, he's a good one!" Dad said and I smiled. Mum moved me so my back was to her chest. Dad then lay in front of me and wrapped his arms around me and mum. "Night mum, night dad!" I whispered and I felt both of their grips tighten on me. "Night!" They both said and I settled back down; sighing as my sleep turned peaceful, and the nightmares slipped away.

Tulisa's POV

I stayed awake with Gareth until Vharrey fell asleep. I was stroking her hair and talking with Gareth. "Hey, maybe I could record a track with her, you know, maybe she'd like it?" I suggested and Gareth nodded. "Yea maybe she would, but what would you call it?" He asked I sighed. I didn't know. Vharrey moved a bit and I looked down at her. She was holding tightly on my necklace. "Why is she holding my necklace?" I asked Gareth and he shrugged. "Maybe she went to grip something and found that!" He said and I shook my head. "No, she usually goes for my clothes when she goes to hold on!" "This is the first time I've ever worn a necklace to sleep. Yet it's her first choice for her grip? it doesn't make sense!" I sighed and Gareth looked at me. "What type of you have on?" He asked and I tried to remember. "Em, it's one if the ones with writing!" I said and his mouth twitched a bit into a smile.

"And what does your necklace say T?" He asked and I had to remember. "Em!" I sighed, I thought I couldn't remember till it hit me. "Em it says..." I trailed off figuring out her actions. "Uncle B! She is reaching out for her Uncle B!" I said and she moved again. Her hand slipped from my necklace to my chest. I pulled her closer and she tighten her grip around me. "Well, I think you need to sort something out and fast T! Her uncle isn't here to save her anymore, but you are! I know how you feel about her, and yet, she is leaving you in a day's time now! You have to figure this out babe!" He said and kissed me gently. I sighed but nodded. "She is like a daughter to me Gareth, she has been with me for ages and, we have this bond and... I'm scared that if she leaves, she will leave me!" I said and Vharrey pulled me closer. I thought she was going back for my necklace but she wasn't. She moved her hand over my heart. "Don't leave me!" She mumbled quietly and snuggled into me. I let a tear slip away and I looked at Gareth.

"No she won't, your everything to her! Even in her sleep she begs you not to leave her! She loves you, is she had the chance, she wouof probably become your daughter right now!" He said and I nodded. I hope he was right.

I lay down, carefully as to not disturb Vharrey. I had to move her away from me a minute and I got a surprise. "Don't leave mummy, I need you here, T!" I felt my heart melt in that moment. She did love me. "Don't worry Vharrey, I'm right here!" I whispered and she smiled as I hugged her close to me. Gareth turned out the lights and we all fell asleep. I was really happy, I couldn't have imagined a better night.

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