Chapter 13

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Tulisa's POV

She came into my room and ran up to me. We hugged each other and she was swearing about the doctors. I laughed after she explained everything. I heard her wince and I pulled away. She had tears in her eyes and she told me it's her ribs. I kissed her cheek and wiped away her tears. She smiled back and kissed my wrist.

I pulled her into my he'd and she snuggled into me. She started crying so I stroked her hair. "What's wrong muffin?" I asked her and she sniffed "It's my fault you in hospital with breaks and fractures and cracks!" "I shouldn't have gone near the stai're to go down them, instead I got you hurt and I'll never forgive myself fir thar, I mean I can't!" she said and I pulled her face up gently. "No it's not, I tried to stop you babe, you were gonna hit the floor so I threw you on top if me so you wouldn't get hurt!" I explained and kissed her head again. She tightened her grip around my waist and I pulled her closer.

We stayed like this for a while, me still holding her close to me. She was allowed to leave tomorrow, I had to wait 2 days because I had a bit if a concussion. I knew she wouldn't leave my side, and I was happy about that.

24 Hours Later:

It was time for Vharrey to leave, Gareth filled out her forms. When he told her she harbor go she wouldn't budge. "Babe, it's time for you to go muffin," I told her stroking her hair. She was still lying on my bed. We both got given stuff from the cafeteria off of Gareth. I ate my stuff but Vharrey wouldnt touch hers. "Vharrey muffin, you need to eat something," I begged her but she refused. "Miss Contostavlos, I have some water and juice here for you both, please try to drink some Vharrey, you will need it," a nurse said as she placed the tray on the table.

I looked down at her, she looked a bit ill. I brushed it off, it may have been because I was still in hospital. When she was meant to go home she didn't leave my side, literally. She just stayed there, lying in my bed holding me close to her. I loved his she woulent leave me, but it also worried me. Gareth went home to get her some clothes. I told him to get her blue hoodie and unicorn t-shirt I ordered for her. He said he would get her a pair of shorts, since she felt a bit hot. She didn't really talk much, she just sang to herself it hummed away. When Gareth came back he told her she had to get ready. She ignored him. I told her, well more like begged her to her ready, so she did. She went to the other end if the room and pulled the curtain over. "Hey Gareth, would you go see if they have any Capri Suns, and some biscuits, she might eat or drink them!" I told him and he left. I noticed she hadn't closed the curtains right, She had her shorts on and then turned her back to me. I was worried about her, I sat up and looked at her. She was in her sorts and her back was turned. She had gotten really skinny, and her ribs were starting to show. She turned around to show her abdomen, her usually toned stomach was now losing its six pack. She was skinny, and her curves were disappearing. She looked really bad, she slipped on the t-shirt andbl it fell loosely on her figure. She pulled on the hoodie and zipped it up a bit, covering her stomach. I sat back down and opened my arms. She smiled weakly and slid into them. Gareth came back a couple minutes later with a few biscuits and 2 Capri Suns. I opened mine and drank a bit. Vharrey didn't even bat an eyelash. I sighed and pulled her close, kissing her head.

"Muffin?" I asked her, wondering if she would answer. "Yea?" she asked looking up at me. "What's wrong?" I asked her, I looked her over. Her hoodie was a but up her waist, it had dragged her t-shirt with it. They revealed her lightly tanned skin. Her hip bone was bold against her skin, and you could see her usually healthy slim form, was now skinny. She was still looking at me. "Nothing T, I'm fine, I just, I don't like seeing you in hospital, that's all!" she answered after a while. I looked into her eyes, she was lying, she had something else wrong with her, she was fine until the day she looked at the family tree. Was that it? Was that the reason she was like thus? Is it my fault? I decided at ask her.

"Vharrey, you have been a bit off since the day you looked at our family tree," "Is that it? Are you sad because you found out we're related?" my heart sank a little. She sighed, I sat up and she followed me. "No T, it's just that, when I saw our family tree, I saw my Uncle Brian's name. He passed away exactly 3 years ago today, and I hadn't thought about him in a while, because if I do, I cry, and if I cry, I go weak. And I hate being weak. When you're weak, everyone thinks they can walk all over you!" That was the most she has said to me since she came to my room, if course she said things coming in, but she stopped after that.

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