Chapter 52

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Vharreys POV

I ran upstairs into my room and everyone was changed and sitting on the bed talking. I went over to the wardrobe to see if my clothes were in there and they were. I checked the drawers and got out boxers and a vest top. I went into the bathroom, got.changed quickly then slipped out. I put my dirty clothes in the hamper with everyone else's so T or I could wash them in the morning. I slipped on the bed and lay down on the covers. Kevin wrapped his arm around my waist gently and held me close. I moved so I so facing his chest and smiled at him. He smiled and hugged me close to him. "You'll be ok baby, Shann and your mum and dad will be with you after we leave! Just text me when your out, I'll be there!" He whispered to me and I kissed him forcefully. He pulled back and looked at me. "Careful V, you might hurt yourself!" He eyes my wrist and I shrugged it off. I pushed him to the other side of the bed against the wall so we wouldn't bother Rick or Kate. "I don't care!" I kissed him again and moved so I was sitting on him.

He moved his hands away, he didn't want to disrespect me but I didn't mind. I moved his hands to my waist then brought mine back to his face. I kissed him and he kissed me. I went to move but he held me there. I smiled into the kiss and made it deeper. I didn't know really what we we're doing, but I didn't care. I was happy kissing him, when we kissed, tome stopped. I felt different when I kissed Drew though, maybe I like Kevin, like really like Kevin. I pulled away quickly for air and smiled at him. I bit my lip because I wanted to kiss him again, but I don't know if he does aswell. "Come ere!" He said and pulled me back down. He collided our lips together and gently moved his hands to my waist. He moved mine to his shirt collar, so I knew I wouldn't fall off of him. I pulled away and I was panting, my lungs burned but I loved it, it was him so I loved it. He pulled me down onto his chest and I listened to his heart beat. He turned to his side but gently set me on the bed. I hugged him closely to my and he done the same. "Sorry guys, WebKit carried away!" I panted and Rick and Kate laughed a little. "No bother, we were doing the same thing! But let's just go to sleep now ok?" He asked and I sighed. I nodded and we settled down. I was really hot so I stayed above the covers. Ryan left some space so I wouldn't feel to enclosed. He was so thoughtful, like all the time. He was the best. I lay on the covers with Kevin and I felt really hot. I got up and opened the window slightly. The cool breeze flowed over mine and Kevin's side of the bed and I settled back down again in his arms.

I slowly started to drift off to sleep. The breeze helped me a lot and so did Kevin. He kept an arm draped over me but knew when I need to breathe. He stroked my hair for a while as I lay beaide him and I slowly fell asleep. My mind wondering and calming as I started to dream.

Tulisa's POV

I was in my own room again with Gareth. He was asleep but I was reading. I was using my kindle so I wouldn't wake Gareth with the light. I heard a noise from upstairs. Weren't the kids asleep? I slowly slipped out of my room and up the stairs. It was coming from Vharreys room. I slowly opened the door and I saw Rick, Kate and Ryan sitting up and hovering over Vharrey. " What's wrong?" I asked quietly; walking closer to the bed. "She's having a nightmare, I don't want to wake her up, I was just coming to get you! She keeps muttering 'Find T, I've gotta help T'!" Ryan said quietly and my heart broke a little. They all moved to reveal vharrey sweating above the covers. You saw her eyes moving under her eye lids. She was gasping a.bit then holding her breathe. After a long time of holding het breath she was panting; tightening her grip on the sheets. "No T wake up please, no, I'm not losing you too, come on breathe!" She was panting. Was she dreaming that i was drowning? Had she saved me? She finally calmed down and tears fell down her cheeks. "Thank God, I thought I lost you Tulisa! Why did you follow me? I was fine you nearly drowned!" She was fully crlying and I couldn't hear anymore. I climbed onto the bed and lay beside her. I whispered in her ear. "Natalia, I'm right here!" I whispered and she turned and held me tightly. "Tula?" She cried and I hugged her tightly. "I'm here Vharrey, open your eyes, I'm right here!" I knew she was awake now, but she was scared to look. "I'm scared to!" She whimpered and I sighed. "I'm right here, want Ryan to go get your dad?" I asked and she froze in ny grip. "Daddys here? Is he alive?" She dreamed he had died? She needed to see him. "Can someone go get her dad please?" I asked and they all mumbled agreements and left me with Vharrey.

"Mummy is Daddy here?" She asked. She was so scared, like a little girl. Well she was a little girl. I wish I could have her with me all of the time. The only way would be to adopt her. Wait, I could adopt her! But she has her mum, and she won't let go of this amazing child will she? No, she probably wouldn't! But I'll be with her as much as I can! I promise that to her, and myself!

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