Chapter 22

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Vharreys POV

I woke up again my head was spinning. I tried to move but got shooting pains up my side. What happened? I closed my eyes and focused, I needed to see. I tried again and saw nothing but blackness. Was it night? Am I in Tulisa's room?

I sat up. No I can't be in Tulisa's room. Narla isn't here. Where am I? I tried to sit up. But something cut into my wrist. "Ahhh FUCK!" I fell back down. "What the fuck is going on?" I whispered. No-one would hear me, I'm alone, again. My right wrist didn't have anything on it. I brought it to my face. "What the fuck is happening?" I screamed. My vision improved a bit, enough to see anyway. I noticed my wrist didn't have a bandage on it. Did it come off, did I lose it? This is so confusing.

I rubbed my head with my right hand, and it didn't hurt! It should have hurt! "What is going on, where am I?" No I can't be back here! Not again, "I can't be back here!" I screamed and tried to stand up but got pulled back down.

"Shhh, be quiet babe, don't make them come back!" I heard a voice whisper. I recognised it. "Andrew?" "Babe is that you?" I asked looking to my side to see him. "Yea babe it's me, it's ok we're gonna be ok!" He hugged me and I hugged back. "Where are we, why are we here?" I shaked and I felt his hands slip onto my back. He knew that calmed me. "Babe, what's happening?" I whispered and he rubbed my back. "I really don't know babe, I really don't know!" He whispered. I pulled away to look at him.

I looked into his emerald green eyes. They still sparkled, even with no light in the room. I leaned forward to hug him and I got a surpruse. He kissed me, his soft lips gentle against mine. "I'm so glad your here!" I mumbled into the kiss. "What is your arm connected to babe?" I asked him as we pulled away. He lifted his right wrist and mine lifted aswell. "I guess you!" He smiled and I blushed. "I'm glad I'm here with you too Vharrey!" he whispered and I smiled.

We were on a mattresse. I felt the springs, but it was sift enough. I lay down beside Andrew and he did the same. I felt safe with him. Well I was until I heard voices. "Andrew, what's going on?" I shaked against him. "I don't know babe, but it's going to be ok!" He whispered stroking my hair.

We heard the voices get closer. I stood up with him and held his hand. A door swung open and a man came in the room.

Andrew moved me behind him, but he never let go of my hand. I kissed his shoulder and his grip tightened on my hand. The man came closer and grabbed us both. He put things over our heads. I felt the sun against my skin. I then felt a sharp pain as I hit something with a bang. The man lifted the bags off our heads. We were in a truck, I was lying down on the floor of a truck. I couldn't move. The truck door slammed shut and the engine started. "Andrew?" "Are you ok?" I asked trying to move, I couldn't. "I'm fine, I'm right here!" As he said that I felt his hands in my body. He lifted me onto his lap and hugged me close. I felt safe but i couldn't stop shaking. "Andrew, I think I'm bleeding!" I whispered and he looked me over. I looked at my arm and saw a few cuts. The blood rushed over my arm. I looked up at his face, and my eyes closed.

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