Chapter 34

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Vharreys POV

I woke up from a breeze flowing around the house. I noticed a blanket on me, Gareth must have done that. He usually did do that. I sat up and they weren't there. I knew where they were though. I stood up and noticed that the patio door was open. I ran over to it and closed it. I was still in my boxers and vest top so I was quick. I turned around to find Tulisa walk out of the room. She no longer had her shirt on, I laughed and she remembered. She went to put something over her bra but Gareth stopped her. "Seriously Gareth not now it's freezing and I have no shirt!" She growled at him. He hugged her tightly, he took his shirt off and slipped it onto her. He kissed her head then looked at me. "You should get away from those windows, people could see!" He laughed and I remembered. "Shit!" I ran to the couch and wrapped the blanket around me.

"Why were you at the patio door dressed like that?" T asked and then blushe'd at what I said. "I would aso you why you walked out of your room not dressed but I already know that answer don't I!" I laughed and so did Gareth. "I was shutting the doors, they were wide open!" I explained and T froze. "Gareth, ring the boys now, tell them it's urgent, please!" She begged and he ran to get his fone. She walked over to me and we sat on the couch. "What's going on?" I asked and she looked me over. "Are you ok. Anything feel different or sore or?" She stopped and stared at me. "T?" I was getting scared now. "Gareth!" She shouted and pulled me up into the kitchen. He came running through and he seemed to noticed something wrong aswell.

I went to look myself over but I felt Tulisa hold my head up. "T, what's wrong?" I couldn't take it, tears pricked my eyes but I held them back. "Gareth, rip it, scissors will take too long!" She said and he walked over to me. Sympathy was in his eyes. He was careful though. He put his crossed his hands over my body to my left side. He grabbed my too and ripped it off. I froze, I trusted them though. He let it rest round my neck to try and cover me. I saw Tulisa look at my bandage around my ribs then look at Gareth. "Guys, what's wrong!" I shouted and they tore there gaze away from each other to face me. She pulled me into her bedroom and put me in front of the full length mirror. There was writing. "So close. I'll save you for later" I froze and Tulisa looked away. "T, tell me what you know!" I said and she pulled me away.

"I looked throw everything from when you in that place with Andrew. I was with the boys and Gareth when we were looking through everything we could!" She paused then pulled me into the kitchen. She saw me shiver a bit. I was cold. "Here!" She took Gareth's top off and put it on me. "It's ok, you need to be covered, I'll get a top in a minute ok?" I nodded and slipped my arms into place.

The door went and Gareth answered it, he had a top on now. He opened the door and Dappy and Fazer ran into the kitchen to get us. They both froze behind me. I couldn't breathe, and I don't think they could either. "Oh um yea, I gave her the top I was wearing, we kinda had to wreck her other one!" She said and Dappy sighed. "Why is she in Gareth's top then?" Dappy asked her and she froze a bit but was strong with her answer. "It doesn't matter why, just stay with her ok, and tell her nothing!" She glared at them then kissed my head before going to get a shirt.

I stood up and when I turned to leave I crashed into Fazer. He was quite taller than me so I smashed my face against his chest. "Seriously, I want to go to the living room move Faze!" I growled but he didn't move. I was fuming now. I tried to go past him but Dappy was at the door. Why did they all have to be stronger and taller than me? "Rich, Dino, Move!" I screamed at them. Richard moved, but Dino didn't. Tulisa ran back moving Dino out the way. I threw myself into her arms and broke down. What we're they not telling me. I clicked on and froze in her arms. I couldn't pull away so she had to. "Vharrey I promise, they will figure it out, you have to trust me!" She said and I finally could move. I had to tell Andrew, what if they got to him. They were batter this time. I pushed past Fazer and crashes into Dappy. I had so much force that even he couldn't stop me. We crashed onto the floor and I quickly got up and dived to my fone. I did athletics,they couldn't stop me. I pressed a button and my fone dialed Andrews number. He was aalways on my speed dial.

Andrew, their back, are you ok, please tell me your ok!

Vharrey, I didn't no, I'm fine but baby are you? Please tell me how you figured this out?

I froze but continued.

Drew, they broke in last night and, and they wrote on my bandages and, and I don't know what else, please babe get here!

Ok baby hang on I'll be there in 5 minutes is that ok?

I heard him shuffling in the background. I needed him here now.

Just get here babe please!

Ok Im leaving now see you soon, love you!

He hung up after that and I froze. Why did I call him babe, why did he say love you. Stupid question, we always said that to each other.

I held the fone close to me. I jumped when I felt Tulisa's arme around me. "Drew is coming over in 5, but he'll be here quicker than that because of the circumstances!" I said and she nodded.

Not even 5 minutes later the door went. Dappy answered it but before he could stop Jim Andrew bolted through the door. He ran up to me and I hugged him close. "Please tell me your ok babe please!" He begged and I pulled away, tears were in my eyes. "Shaken up, and kinda violated but, publicly fine I think!" I said and he froze. "Violated, wait, just what bandages did he write on?" Drew growled and I gulped. My hand pulled my shirt down and he looked at me. I gulped again and I felt his hand go to the bitten of my shirt. "Andrew, you don't want to-" He cut me off. "I remember more of him than you, I need to see for myself!" His voice was low and I heard a few sets if footsteps get closer. They were heavy, it was the boys. "If either of take another step I swear to God. Rich. Dino!" I said and they stopped. I still heard footsteps, but I knew they were Gareth's. He stood by Tulisa and held her hand.

"Andrew I don't want you to-" He cut me off again. "I know I will, but this time I'll punch him and not the officer that ripped you from my arms!" He said and I smiled. He gently lifted my top and folded it so he could see. "So close. I'll save you for later" He growled Tue words. "Drew, don't!" I couldn't stop him though. He let me go and his fists balled up. "Babe, go to Tulisa!" He said but I wouldn't move. "No, Drew, no please dont, babe please!" He pushed ne into Gareth who held me there. I was starting to cry, he couldn't hit anything, he'd break his fists. "Babe, don't touch me, just incase!" He was trying, I know he was.

"Go upstairs, along the shortest hall, and the first door on your right!" Tulisa said looking at him. He nodded and ran upstairs. "What are you doing?" I asked pulling away from Gareth. "He is in the gym, go up in 10 minutes ok, he'll feel better!" She kissed my head and hugged me. I nodded.

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