Chapter 6

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Tulisa's POV

Vharrey was in the next room getting into some dry clothes, I had bet her and was in the kitchen with Gareth. I knew it was either weird or wrong, but I had these feelinags for him I couldn't explain. He had his arms around my waist and I didn't mind that, then he put one of his hands on my cheek. I lifted my hand to take his away but as soon as our hands touched I froze. We were staring into each others eyes, just us, no-one else. We started to lean into each other but I stopped myself. He asked me why and I explained myself, then he explained himself. That answer was good enough and before I could even think, I was pulled in and kissed. We kissed until we both needed air, so we pulled away braking the kiss. "That's good enough for me," I smiled. Before we could kiss again I heard the bedroom door open then close. We walked out if the kitchen and,I walked up to Vharrey leading her to the couch. I sat her between me and Gareth, but she got up and went to get a drink. She came back and sat at the end of the couch beside me. I was a bit confused at this but didn't mind, I moved up to make some more space for her, and she lay her head on my lap and turned to put the movie on.

We watched the movie till the end, but during I kept getting glances off Gareth. I blushed a few times, but then looked back to the movie. I looked down to see Vharrey nearly sleeping, "Vharrey muffin, if you fall asleep you fall asleep, it's ok, it's been a long day!" I said noticing she was fighting it. "Ok, thanks T," she said going back to tue movie. I kept looking at her, watching her fall asleep. She looked peaceful and calm, she tossed around a bit then rolled over to face me. I stroked her hair, and she smiled in her sleep. I was in my own little world, with her on my lap, until Gareth stood up and kept saying my name. "What?" I asked dazed, "I said the movies over, you two should get to bed!" he laughed at me. "Oh right, yeh em do me a favour, can you lift her into my room?" I asked looking at him, he nodded and picked her up.

I just sat there, thinking again. I'd always wanted a kid, I mean who wouldn't really? Yeh they are a lot if work, but worth it in the end. I didn't no much about Vharrey, but yet I've known her for a day, and she has followed and watched everything to do with me. I liked that she knew about me, so I wouldn't have to hide from her, it was nice. Gareth came back and sat beside me. I got pulled out of my day dream by Gareth, kissing me on the cheek. I turned to look at him, but he had his eyes on the TV putting another movie on. I laughed to myself and I think he noticed he went to kiss my cheek again. I was in a laughing mood, so I turned my head so he got my lips instead. Him knowing me, he thought it was by accident and went to pull away, but I held him there. I kissed him and he kissed back balancing, so he wouldn't crush me. I pushed him away got up and walked to my room to check on Vharrey. He was dazed looking at me but I ignored him. I opened the door to check on her, and she was asleep in my bed with Narla beside her. I opened the door fully to look at her, I kinda jumped when I felt someone put there arms around my waist, but didn't care. I closed her door, turned around to face Gareth, kissed him on the cheek, and went to a guest bedroom.

Vharrey's POV

I woke up to sun beams shining through the window. I looked around and remembered I feel asleep on Tulisa's lap. Gareth must have lifted me in here, I sat up and clapped Narla who was beside me. I pulled the covers off of me and carefully walked out of the room. I looked around and saw no-one, I walked into the kitchen and saw a note. It said;

Hey muffin, needed to run to the shops, be back in 10 ok. There is clothes for you on the couch, see you soon muffin,

T xx

I walked walked over to the couch to find a pair of denom shorts, and a box with a note.

Ordered these for you yesterday muffin, hope u like them, T xx

I opened the box to find a light blue hoodie saying, Tulisa on the back and on the front N-Dubz. I put it on the couch because there was another thing in the box. It was a t-shirt, one from her collection, it had the unicorns on it. I was so happy, I ran to the bathroom to get changed. I wondered how she knew I wanted these, but remembered she saw my instagram profile. I posted them on there saying I wanted them. I washed my face, got changed, put on my shoes, and brushed my hair. I sat on the couch with my phone, listening to music. All I could hear was my music, and as far as I was aware I was alone. I started to sing out loud.

"I mean i've been called, every name under the, suns in my eyes, but it feels pitch black inside. I swear I put you through so much, I couldn't lie to you if I tried."

I flicked through songs until I got to Damn, I loved this song. I git up off the couch and went to the kitchen to get a drink. I was singing all the way there and back.

"You build me up, to break me down, you messed me, when you messed around, Damn."

"My heart's no longer blinded, can you see it can you find it? You're looking at the brand new, version if me, me!"

I sang out loud until I wanted a drink, I took a sip if my Capri Sun, then out it on the table. I was about to read a story when I heard collapsing behind me. I jumped and turned behind me to see Tulisa, Gareth, Dappy And Fazer. They were still clapping and I stared at them confused. T walked up to me and Dappy ran up to me picking me up and swinging me around. "Dappy, put me down!" I screamed at him. He stopped a minute still holding me. "Why, am I hurting your wrist?" He asked. I looked at him. "No you didnt hurt my wrist, you pulled my music out you idiot, now put me down so i can go back to listening to it!" I growled at him. "Nope!" he laughed and spun me again. This time he did hurt my wrist. "Ok Dappy your hurting ny wrist now, Dappy, Dappy!" I screamed at him but he thought I was joking. The pain was going up ny arm and I started getting tears in my eyes. He stopped to spin me the other way but T, stopped him. "Dappy, you're really hurting her you idiot, put her down!" She screamed at him and he sat me down. I was dizzy so I didn't let go of him. I tried to let go but fell against Tulisa who caught me.

I Looked at ny wrist noticed the white bbandage was now going red. I started to shake, "T T Tulisa, m my wrist I is ble bleedin!" I stated shaking in her arms. "Shit, Muffin don't worry, don't look at it ok, I gonna deal with it, don't worry," she calmed me down then handed me to back to Dappy who was waiting with open arms. She again put something over my eyes, and I felt someone hold it there as it started to slip off. I guessed that was Fazer.

Tulisa's POV

"Quick put her on the couch!" I screamed at them. I had to try and do this fast then get her in the car. She had the get this dealt with, it was just too deep. I noticed she was started to shake. She clutched me arm with her left hand, I felt sorry fir her when I remembered her fone. "Dappy get her fone and put some music on, make it any if us, she'll calm down and hurry up!" I shouted at them. They couldn't get into her fone as it had a lock and i couldnt remembet it. "Dappy, sing something then," I screamed at him, her arm still shaking on mine. "Em what?" he asked panicking. "I.O.U or something just sing!" I screamed at him getting stressed. Every time I got stressed or raised my voice she shook more.

"Em!" dappy said something then Fazer whispered something his his ear looking at Vharrey. "Vharrey!" I said to her she spoke a bit then stopped. She was still awake and I told her try and calm down and to keep her eyes open.

"Truth shattered, tears tasted, love givin, live wasted," dappy started singing and she started to shake less. I was nearly finished so I started to join in. Fazer then joined in and she stopped shaking. I finished with her wrist and pulled her to me chest. I pulled the cloth off if her face and her eyes were.closed. "Vharrey, Babe open your eyes!" I begged and her eyes slipped open.

The boys stopped singing and came and hugged Vharrey. Fazer treid to take her out if ny arms but I tightened my.grip on her and she did the same with me. Fazer noticed and just kissed her head instead. She giggled and looked up to me and smiled. "Thank you T, for coming up with that idea, I didn't realise you had that much power over me!" she giggled and I smiled. I'm so glad I met her.

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