Chapter 10

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Tulisa's POV

I was with Vharrey in the living room. We had just found out that we were acutely related to each other. Turns out my grandfather is also her grandfather, somehow it was messed up and our two family's went different ways. We were all together in Ireland but when this famin hit Ireland, her family immigrated to Scotland and ours ended up going to England. I lived being related to her. Now she rreally was my family, and I couldn't be happier. I called Gareth to come round so us three could celebrate. I only wanted a small celebration because I mean well, I wanted her to myself.

I had bought in hundreds of Capri Suns for us and munchies to eat. I went out with Vharrey for only 5 minutes getting dvds to watch. We git a few then went back to mine. I didn't really wanna drink right now, coz she was only a kid really. She may be mature, but inside, she's just your average 13 yr old. I looked at how she lived to sing and act, running round the house with Narla and Gareth. If she couldnt be my kid, then I'm glad she's my cousin. As she ran past me she smiled, I smiled back at her l, watched to see where she was going. She hadn't really been many places in my house yet. she had only been here about two days. "Go upstairs, see what you can find!" I shouted as I ran after her. I didn't have carpet, so she skid to the stairs using her socks. She jumped up the stairs me close behind, she ran down the hall into the last room. I got there and i smiled, she was sitting on the floor looking at everything in amazement. She turned to face me, "Wow, I've saw clips and pics of these before, but, just wow T!" she said and hugged me. I took her hand and ked her to another room. No-one ever really went into this room but me. Acutely I was the only one who went in here. Inside this room where song lyrics, pictures and just, me. "Wow, this is amazing!" I watched her as she walked into the room. She was a bit smaller than me, but that didn't stop her from holding onto my fingers.

Vharreys POV

I was holding Tulisa's hand. She opened a door to reveal a room filled with lyrics and pictures and well, just her. I was amazed. As I walked into the room I was only holding Tulisa by her fingers, them let  them go to explore. I crept up to a desk and pulled up a bit if paper. I slowly read the lyrics and smiled, I loved them. I noticed a guitar by the desk. I looked over to Tulisa who was beside me now. "Do you play T?" I asked looking at the guitar. "Em, kinda, Its my Uncle B's, well our Uncle B kinda," she whispered, a tear flicking her eyes. I wiped it away and she kissed my head.

"You know I lost my Uncle B as well," "My uncle Brian, I still miss him, even tho it's nearly been 3 yrs since I lost him!" I gasped as the pain hit me. I hadn't thought about him in a while and suddenly it all hit me. I felt arms form around my.body hugging me, I hugged back. "Anyways, do you mind if I play it?" I asked her, looking up to her amazingly blue eyes. I'd never noticed how blue her eyes were, almost like crystals or sapphires. "Sure, I'd live to hear you play!" she said sitting down at the desk. I picked up the guitar, it felt heavy in my grasp. I then looked at the piece of paper with the lyrics I liked on it and played the melody. I started to hum along and then thought I should sing it too.

"You may think I'm strong"

"Strongest person you'll ever meet"

"But behind these eyes, is a story you'll never see"

"Don't be mistaken my dear, I'm a different person now"

"But I'm still gonna fight for what"

"I feel my true love is"

I stopped reading the next bit.

"I still hear your heart beat, flutter in my ears"

"I still feel the breath, you blew against my cheeks"

I turned to see Tulisa singing the next bit. I smiled at her and continued to play the guitar. I joined her soon after.

"I still see the blue, of your amazing crystal eyes"

"And it's still really hard to say, what I really feel, but I know, I know"

"I'm better without you anyways, ohh oh, I'm better with you anyways, ohh oh"

I went off making up lyrics as I went along still strumming the melody.

"I'm gonna walk away, and leave everything behind"

"Leave everything behind, I know will kill me inside"

"I don't ever, want you to feel the pleasure"

"Of being my one and only regret"

"Oh, ohhh oh, oh ohhh oh,"

"No I don't wanna give ya"

"That lovely little pleasure"

I strummed and then left it finishing maybe the chorus.

I forgot where I was and only remembered when I saw T sitting behind me with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Aww, what's wrong T?" I asked kissing her temple then hugging her. "You, you this amazing voice, and you just carried on the song I never thought I'd finish!" "You are just utterly amazing!" she smiled hugging me. I sat the guitar down and wrote on the paper my lyrics, changing some notes to fit it.

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