Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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"I walk a lonely road, the only one I have ever known. Don't know where it goes but it's only me and I walk alone. I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams, where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone." - Green Day

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When Iroh woke he found it was now dusk, the sun lowering in the sky and the water of the hot springs still warm around him. A small mouse-like creature was chirping away at him from the edge of the water, a meadow ball. He picked the small creature up in his large hands.

"It's seemed I've dozed off and missed my nephew's deadline." He mused while leaning back in the water "But it was a very sweet nap." He set his new friend down and crossed his arms behind his head, trying to take in all of the relaxation he could. "Frankly, my nephew might not have even noticed how long I've been gone since he has his precious muse with him. Watching them reminds me of the relationship I had with my late wife." A sad smile graced his lips at the thought. Over the years Iroh had grown very fond of the young girl. Like his nephew, she played tough to the world when she needed to but unlike him, she was far more willing to show her kind heart. Strong, very strong indeed, but gentle. She brought out the best in Zuko. And he had loved watching their friendship blossom over the years. It was obvious the two cared deeply for one another. He wondered what their future would hold, and he only hoped he could be lucky enough to be a part of it.

Sadly the older man didn't have much time to let his mind wander to happy thoughts. The ground began to shake, the meadow ball fled, and Iroh soon found his entire body encased in rock.

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Aelita was having the time of her life with this. Dragging Zuko along the entire time she spent hours scouring the ship to make sure her sleeping fire ferret would be as happy and comfortable as possible. She stuffed the small animal in Zuko's arms whenever she needed her hands free, and watching him with a pet was a sight in itself.

"Take Mushu for a minute." She'd say, giving the Prince no choice but to hold him.

"Mushu? Where did you get that from?" Zuko asked as he stared at the ferret's small face. It was kinda cute. Helpless, but cute.

"I don't know," Aelita admitted. "He just seems like a Mushu."

Zuko was never much of an animal person, especially when it came to pets. Father always said animals should serve a purpose and if not they were unnecessary. What the hell was he supposed to do with a fire ferret?

Any hesitation he felt quickly melted away when he saw how happy it made Aelita. When she was happy it was easier for him to forget his demons. He almost forgot his threat to his Uncle until Aelita pointed out the setting sun.

"Uncle!" Zuko yelled as he pushed through the branches. Of course, the stubborn old man was late. "Uncle where are you?"

Aelita and a handful of their men followed behind as they entered the clearing where Iroh's spring had been, but the General was nowhere to be found.

"Sir," a soldier asked. "Maybe he thought you left without him?"

"That wouldn't explain why he left his robes behind," Aelita said as she plucked Iroh's robe from a nearby branch. His shoes were gone, but not his robe.

"Something's not right here." Zuko felt uneasy. Things weren't adding up. Where the spring should've been the earth was now jagged and sharp. "That pile of rocks." He and Aelita moved to study them closer.

"It looks like there's been a landslide. Sir." Offered up the soldier.

"Land doesn't slide uphill." Aelita countered. This was bad. "Those rocks didn't move naturally."

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