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Jet - Fin

"I'm breaking I feel it, I'm naked, I'm kneeling. I'm shaking, I'm reeling, my God I keep bleeding. I watch the world die through crimson eyes, I cry it turns to night. I die, I see the light and now I'll say goodbye." - Hollywood Undead

TW: Violence and mature themes.

🌊 ⛰ 🔥 🌪

It seemed as if the sun rose far too early that morning but Sokka had promised their help to Jet on his mission, whatever the hell it was. So despite their lack of sleep here he was with Aelita, bright and early, perched in some tree away from the hideout watching the path that lead to and from the village nearby. According to Jet, it was reconnaissance work, seeing if any more troops were moving in and out of the small town. Aelita sat crouched on a branch below Sokka. Jet, Smellerbee, and Pipsqueak were spread out around them, Jet having taken the lead. The four of them communicated via bird calls to not give us away. It had been quiet all morning so far but Sokka could feel something coming. He thrust his large skinning knife into the trunk of the tree, earning a confused look from Jet.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Sokka placed his ear to the handle of the knife and cupped his hands around it.

"It amplifies vibrations," Aelita explained having seen it done before.

"Great trick." Jet smirked. Maybe this guy would be helpful after all.

"Shh!" Sokka hushed. "Nothing yet...wait yes! Someone's approaching!"

"How many?" Aelita asked pulling her tanto from its holster. Knowing how uncomfortable the Freedom Fighters were with the Fire Nation she was trying to keep her bending to a minimum and she wasn't confident enough yet to solely rely on water.

"I think there's just one," Sokka said. Jet let out another short series of bird calls to alert the others.

"Good work Sokka." Jet said before he turned to face the paths again. "Ready your weapons."

Sokka pulled his knife from the tree and hopped down onto the branch beside Aelita. They trained their eyes on the path in time to catch the sight of red robes. In those robes was a hunched-over, bald man with a cane who looked like he could be older than Avatar Roku. Good for him for still getting out and walking.

"False alarm, he's just an old man." Aelita moved to holster her weapon again but Jet had other plans. The older boy hooked his swords on the branch above him and swung himself to the ground, landing directly in the path of the old man.

"What are you doing in our woods you leech?" Jet growled, sizing the startled man up.

"Please sir," the man tried to reason "I'm just a traveler."

Jet wasn't having it. He swung one of his blades and cut the old man's walking cane clean in half and right out of his hands. The man was now scared. He turned to run but ran directly into the massive chest of Pipsqueak, making him fall back into the dirt. When he tried to crawl away the massive teen placed his trunk size foot on the man's back, trapping him.

"Do you like destroying towns?" Jet barked and Smellerbee joined the two. "Do you like destroying families? Do you?"

Aelita couldn't watch this anymore. She jumped as quickly as she could down branch to branch until she could make it to the ground, Sokka was right behind her. This was fucked up.

"Please let me go!" Pleaded the helpless man. "Have mercy."

"Does the Fire Nation let people go? Does the Fire Nation have mercy?" Jet asked menacingly, crouching down to the man's face. They were all the same. Jet swung his foot back to kick the poor man in the face but was stopped when Sokka hooked onto it with his club.

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