We Won't Back Down

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"We're gonna drown your ego, you're the legend no one knows." - Escape The Fate

🌊 ⛰ 🔥 🌪

"Has anyone seen Mushu?" Aelita questioned as she looked beneath a bush. The team was currently stopped deep in the woods still in the Earth Kingdom on their way North. She had just noticed how long her furry friend had been gone.

"No, I haven't." Answered Aang. "And where's Momo?" He asked Katara and Sokka who were currently sitting on the ground. They heard a commotion coming from farther into the trees and decided to investigate, following the calls of animals in distress. It was Aang who noticed the cages suspended high in the air near the tree tops. Two hog monkeys were trapped in individual cages, Mushu and Momo in the other.

"Hang on guys!" Aang called out. With a twisting leap into the air, he used his bending to propel himself up to the tree tops. Once there he noticed a pulley system which he used to gently lower the cage that held their friends. Katara and Sokka pried it open, and Mushu and Momo hurried out. They weren't even phased as they began to munch on berries that they both held, earning a sigh from Aelita. She picked up Mushu in her arms. The way he ate and slept it was a miracle he wasn't as big as those hog monkeys.

"You okay buddy?" She asked as she inspected him for injuries. When she found none she seriously considered putting him on a leash. After freeing the two berry hunters Sokka used his trusty boomerang to cut through the ropes of the other cages, freeing the now happy hog monkeys. Aelita picked up one of the now-empty cages. "These are Fire Nation traps. I recognize the metal work."

"We better pack up camp and get moving." Said Sokka and everyone agreed. They quickly returned to their small camp and repacked all of their belongings. Katara was busy handing Aang bags to secure to Appa's saddle when her brother stopped her.

"Nuh-uh, no flying this time."

"What?" Asked a confused Aang. "Why wouldn't we fly?"

"Think about it, somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us," Sokka said. "It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable."

"What?" Asked Katara, hands on her hips. "Appa's not too noticeable!"

"Flying sky bison aren't exactly common anymore." Aelita had to agree, remembering her days of tracking these exact people. The news of a bison spotting traveled quickly.

"He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head, it's kind of hard to miss him," Sokka said earning an offended groan from the bison. Aang was quick to jump to Appa's defense, claiming Sokka was just jealous of his arrow. "I know you all want to fly but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk."

Katara was quick to counter. "Who made you the boss?"

"I'm not the boss," Sokka said, giving Aelita hope for just a minute he would do something good for once. "I'm the leader."

And there it went.

"You're the leader?" Aelita questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Your voice still cracks!" Pointed out Katara.

"I'm the oldest and I'm a warrior!" Argued her brother, his voice cracking. He noticeably tried to knock it down an octave. "So I'm the leader!"

"If anyone's the leader it's Aang." Offered Katara. "I mean he is the Avatar."

"Are you kidding?" Asked Sokka. "He's just a goofy kid."

"He's right." Agreed Aang while he hung upside down from Appa's reigns. Aelita couldn't help but rub her temple. How much farther till the North Pole? "I vote Aelita," Aang said, dropping to his feet and grabbing her attention. "She's been all over the world and she's dealt with the Fire Nation first hand. She's had more experience than any of us."

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