Meet Me On The Battlefield

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The Siege Of The North Part Two Continued

"We're standing face-to-face with our own human race, we commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead. When I was younger I was named, a generation unafraid for heirs to come, be brave." - SVRCINA

Warning: This chapter will contain strong language and descriptions of violent nature that may not be suitable for some people. Reader discretion is advised.

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When everyone else wanted her dead or in jail, Yue had given Aelita a chance. Where others had met Aelita with fear or hostility, the Princess met her with open arms. When those same people held her home and her childhood over Aelita's head, the daughter of the Chief told them they were wrong. While most people judged Aelita for her past, Yue embraced her for it. She was gone.

Aelita didn't know pain like this existed but she wouldn't wish it upon her worst enemy. It was different than anything she had ever felt before, even different than losing her father. The loss of a loved one to the war was something every child of the Fire Nation was forced to accept, but nothing could've ever prepared her to watch a friend lay down their life for the good of the world. She could've stopped it. She should've been faster. She should've been stronger. They were right, she had been too soft for war. Not anymore. The pain and the guilt would be Aelita's burden to carry for the rest of her life. It would be her reason to fight. Watching Sokka cry over the body of someone they both loved pushed the Akira over the edge. This ended now.

"I won't let her sacrifice be for nothing." Came a voice from Aelita's mouth that wasn't her own, her amber eyes now shining blue. Her gaze shifted to Aang and when the monk met her stare a switch flipped inside of him, his own eyes and arrows taking on the same glow. No more battle, no more destruction, no more death.

"It's time," Aang said. Like his friend his voice wasn't truly his, sounding as if multiple people all speaking at once. The Avatar and the Akira brushed past their friends in a trance, wading knee-deep in the heart of the spring. When a concerned Katara reached out to them Iroh stopped her, he knew it would do no good. Standing side by side the two hooked their arms and pressed their own hands together as if they were meditating. Aang was silent as his eyes locked on the koi circling his feet, Aelita quiet as she gazed at the moon in the sky slowly coming back to life. Without warning, they disappeared beneath the water.

The others watched on in aw as the spring and the waters surrounding the oasis were gradually overcome by the same blue light that had shone in their friend's eyes. The glow stretched far out past the oasis, floating through the canals that wove through the city, the haunting light stopping the battle in its tracks as warriors from either side could do nothing but stare. Still in Sokka's arms, Yue's body faded away as if she were never there.

"Wait, no!" He cried as he grasped onto the air. He never even got to tell her goodbye.

The water from the spring itself began to surge and lift as if it had a mind of its own. Lifting high into the sky the water rose before splitting into two halves. The halves moved and molded into the form of the two koi, one a slightly darker in color than the other. Where there would've normally been fins the two masses had long, arm-like attachments. Suspended in the middle of the masses were Aang in the darker, the form of the water spirit, and Aelita in the lighter, the form of the moon spirit. Their eyes still shining bright, their faces solemn.

Merged with the spirits the Avatar and the Akira were only vaguely aware of their own movements. When a fireball collided with the roof of the palace the giant spirit forms set their sights on the invaders. As the two lifted up and over the walls of the Oasis the members of the Northern Water Tribe could hardly believe their eyes. The spiritual forms followed the canals away from the palace and into the heart of the battle. In their hearts the tribe members knew this was the work of the spirits, their prayers were heard, and they fell to their knees to bow. The Fire Nation soldiers knew they had never faced a threat like this before but it didn't stop them from fighting. The moon spirit was the first to act, seeing a set of tanks with their sights on a group of waterbenders they began to move. The Akira's arms moved in time with that of the form, reaching out and pulling the tanks to the bottom of a nearby canal, the soldiers inside only escaping at the last minute. Making their way towards the ships in the bay the Avatar and the ocean spirit were stopped when fire connected with their side. Looking down the two saw a small platoon of firebenders trying to bring them down. Just as the other two had the spirit and the Avatar moved in time, water pushing the enemy back off their feet. The remaining soldiers knew they couldn't wait for a fallback order any longer, all of them racing to their boats. It was now every man for their-selves.

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