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The Siege of The North Part Two

"Don't try to sleep through the end of the world, bury me alive cause I won't give up without a fight." - Panic! At The Disco 

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As the fire continued to rain upon the Northern Water Tribe one waterbender was fighting to not lose hope. Katara had failed. 

"I can't believe I lost them." She said as she sank to her knees in the grass of the Spirit Oasis. She was too confident in herself, she should've let Yue go for help sooner, she should've never underestimated Zuko.  Aelita and Aang were gone and it was all her fault. 

"You did everything you could." Her brother assured her. Sokka could see just how badly his sister was beating herself up and the truth was he was beating himself up too. He should've known Zuko would've followed them here, after all, he had managed to track their almost every move, but Aelita even said Zuko hated Zhao. Knowing the Admiral was the one leading the siege Sokka had hoped the Prince would've kept his difference. Regardless of the guilt, he felt Sokka knew they didn't have time to feel sorry for themselves. Every minute they wasted was another minute that put Zuko closer to the Fire Nation and Aelita and Aang in harm's way. The warrior could only hope Zuko's feelings for Aelita were enough to keep him from laying a hand on either of them. Moving quickly he pulled Katara to her feet and climbed back into the Avatar's usual spot at Appa's reigns. "Now we need to do everything we can to get them back. Zuko can't have gotten far, we'll find him. Aang and Aelita are gonna be fine." 

Yue wasn't sure who Sokka was trying to convince more, his sister or himself. She had seen the fear in his eyes when she had told him Zuko managed to find them. She saw the fear turn to panic when she told him that Aang and Aelita were both in the spirit world. She had never seen someone push through the palace so fast as he did trying to get to his friends. The Princess watched as the Avatar's lemur continued to cry softly by the edge of the spring, not fully understanding what was going on but knowing something was very wrong. Everyone was feeling the weight of the situation.

"It's okay Momo." Katara stroked his fur before climbing into Appa's saddle. "You stay here in case they come back." 

"We're going, we're going I promise," Sokka said as Mushu climbed into his face, the ferret chattering and bouncing away. Even he knew this was bad. "Yip yip!"

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"Well Happy Feet, I've got a feeling we're not in the North Pole anymore."

"I'd say your instincts are better than Sokka's," Aang said as he took in their surroundings. He and Aelita were no longer in the grass of the Spirit Oasis. Instead, they were now sitting on a massive stump in the middle of what appeared to be a dimly lit swamp. All around them trees covered in moss reached high into the sun and moonless sky. The stump itself was surrounded by still and murky waters, eerily quiet. When a massive crane twice the size of Appa flew over their heads they knew they had succeeded, they were in the spirit world. Standing the Avatar held out a hand to his friend and pulled her to his feet beside him. "Now how are we supposed to find the ocean and moon spirits."

"Your guess is as good as mine," Aelita said as she jumped off the stump, wading now knee-high in the water. "But we better work fast, who knows what's happening in our world."

"This is your world." A raspy voice echoed off the trees and water. Aang took his place beside Aelita and looked in every direction trying to find the source of the voice. Whoever or whatever it was sounded as if they had inhaled too much smoke in their life, making it hard for the monk to read their tone. 

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