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The Waterbending Scroll

"I think I need help. I'm drowning in myself." - Papa Roach

🌊 ⛰ 🔥 🌪

The moon was the only light in the sky as the newly formed team landed to make camp for the night. They were now safely away from the Fire Navy, at least for the moment, somewhere over the edge of the Earth Kingdom. It was Aang who suggested they stop for the night.

"Appa is exhausted and we all need our rest." He declared. While Aelita knew he was right y she was certain she wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. Appa landed with grace for a beast so massive and the firebender couldn't lie she was thankful to be on solid ground. The feeling of flying especially after sailing for so long felt unsettling to her. She watched as the Avatar floated down off the bison and waited for Katara to toss him their sleeping bags. Aelita found herself watching him, still fascinated by his airbending. It was as if it came second nature to him. No wonder he already had his arrows. With all of their supplies on the ground, Katara and Sokka walked down the bison's tail as if it were a ramp, quietly set to work making their camp for the night.

"Come on buddy," Aelita whispered to Mushu. Somewhere over the ocean, he had crawled out of her bag and into her lap, occasionally standing on his back paws to lick her face. "I'm sure you're ready for bed."

As Aelita followed suit down the Appa's tail the others continued to work around her. Katara was laying out their sleeping bags, Aang was gathering nuts and berries with his flying lemur Momo and Sokka was attempting to light a fire to no avail. No one had dared to say a word to the Akira since they saw her drop Zuko before picking her up off his ship. The air between them was thick and tense. Aelita tried to calm her nerves as she set Mushu and her belongings down across the camp from the others. She should be nice and try to be helpful.

"Here." She moved to crouch next to Sokka. "Let me help."

"I've got it!" He swatted her hand away before it could touch a single twig. They didn't want her or need her for all he was concerned. Aelita scooted back slightly and watched as he continued to try unsuccessfully to light the fire. After a few moments, she got fed up with watching him struggle and reached for a stick beside her. When the piece of wood she held began to smolder in her hand-tossed on top of the pile of wood. The purple spark turned to its usual orange glow as the whole stack caught fire. She walked away before Sokka could fight her anymore

"Why is your fire violet?" Katara asked, her head cocked to the side.

"It's all about breathing control," Aelita explained as she remembered Iroh's words. "You can control your breathing enough to affect the level of oxygen you feed into your bending. Less oxygen means your fire burns hotter. I only got the hang of it about two years ago, now it's second nature I guess. "

"That sounds advanced." Aang was amazed. Just how strong was she? He started to pace around the fire. Where had she learned that from? Could the Fire Lord do that?

"Just takes focus." Aelita shrugged. She knew her abilities but she was humble to a fault. "When you're stuck on a boat for multiple years at a time there isn't much else to do but train and eat."

"Can other firebenders do that?" Sokka asked. "You know what," he held a hand up before the girl could respond. "Lie to me and say no. I don't even wanna think about stupid powerful firebenders and their stupid fire. Now would you sit down?" Sokka asked Aang between bites of seal jerky. "At that rate, you'll dig yourself to the North Pole. What's bugging you anyway?"

"It's what Avatar Roku said!" Aang through his hands up in the air in frustration. "I'm supposed to master all four elements before the comment arrives."

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