Angels Fall

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The Blue Spirit - Fin

"When angels fall with broken wings I can't give up, I can't give in." - Breaking Benjamin

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With Ryuk gone Aelita paced anxiously in front of Appa. She was still in the Spirit World with no idea how the hell to get out of it. Katara in her fevered haze was trying to explain to Momo and Mushu that she and Sokka needed water and not the random treasures they kept bringing back. The sick siblings were getting worse by the minute and Aang still had yet to return. Staring into the night sky she knew he should've been back hours ago? Where was he? Was he hurt? Fuck, what was she supposed to do? What would Iroh do? He was the most spiritual person she knew, she'd give anything to talk to him right now.

"Well, I guess tea is out of the question," Aelita muttered to herself. "If he couldn't have tea he would eat but that's not happening either. What else Kenshin?"

Meditate. If he couldn't eat or drink he'd meditate. Seeing as she had nothing to lose at this point Aelita sat cross-legged in front of the fire, watching the crackling flames as a base to try and clear her mind. Breath in, breath out, focus on her chi. She closed her eyes and continued her slow steady breaths, detaching herself from all other concerns and focusing on her own body. She wasn't sure how long she had been meditating, it could've taken her hours or mere minutes but eventually, the edges of her mind began to blur. Aelita continued to focus on the human word and her body in it, attempting to will herself back.




"Ah!" Aelita fell back clutching her head. From the base of her skull radiated a sharp pain and it was as if a voice that wasn't her own was speaking to her. No, more like shouting at her, demanding to be heard.




Aang. Raava. Ryuk had said something about Raava being the spirit of light inside of Aang. Aang. His face pulsed through Akira's mind and then she heard his voice. His cry of terror was the last thing she heard before her world went dark.

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It didn't matter how hard he strained against his chains, they didn't budge or break. There was no water anywhere in this room and Aang didn't even know how to move a pebble yet let alone earthbend. Even if he trusted his firebending it wouldn't get him out of here. Everything he tried was useless. He was failing. Katara and Sokka would only get worse without these frogs because there was no way Aelita would just stumble upon the strange cure. Aelita. Aang so desperately needed her help but he couldn't live with himself if she walked into Zhao's clutches just to save him. But she was strong and calculated, if anyone could get him out of here it would be her.

She was probably worried sick. Why couldn't Roku have told them that they had some magic Avatar to Akira mind-reading abilities? It sure would come in handy right now. The monk sighed to himself and hung his head. He felt like a sacrificial lamb just waiting for slaughter.

"No." He whispered to himself. He couldn't just give up yet. Roku said if Aang needed him he'd be here. Maybe if the airbender focused hard enough he could talk to him and he could help Aang break free as he did in the temple. "It's worth a shot at least."

Aang attempted to clear his head and focus on the Avatar before him, willing the firebender to come to him. He swore he could almost hear Roku's voice when a commotion outside broke his concentration. Thuds, groans, and the sound of metal striking metal came from just outside the door of his holding room. He strained his ears to try and figure out what could be happening, barely noticing when the first half-frozen frog crawled from his robes.

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