My Heart I Surrender

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"And I can't count the times I stayed awake pretending you were mine. Now I'm left here with this emptiness inside, why can't I make you mine? Will our stars ever align? Will two hearts beat in time? These words you should always remember, to you my heart I surrender. Chasing love that can never be mine, maybe one day you'll realize these words you should always remember, to you my heart I surrender." - I Prevail

🌊 🌋 🔥 🌪

The water was cool on her feet as Aelita walked a lonely stretch of beach. It was still in the pale light of early morning, with no sun yet in the sky. The team had flown until late into the previous night, not stopping till they were sure they had put enough distance between them and Zuko. They didn't even bother setting up their normal camp they had been so tired, instead finding a section of tall trees right off the coast to sleep under for the night. Aelita lit a fire big enough to keep the others warm while Katara threw together a quick dinner of bread and fresh vegetables from the sisters of the abbey. The conversation was light and quiet after such an intense day and as soon as they were finished, everyone was fast asleep.

Aelita tossed and turned all night, the ghost of her former life haunting her dreams. She woke before the others as the sky had begun to morph from pitch black to soft purple as the sun prepared to rise in a few hours. Needing to clear her mind she wandered to the beach not far away. Yesterday had taken a toll on her. Zuko was right, the boy she had once known was long gone. He had been angry before, but he had never once been cruel. This new Zuko cared about no one but himself and his spirits forsaken honor. She didn't want to think about what he would've done to Sokka or Superior had she not stopped him. And then there was Sokka. She wasn't even sure how to face him now. Aelita couldn't deny she cared for him, but something was holding her back. Sokka was stubborn and emotional. Aelita knew she was bound to hurt him. What she wouldn't give for her Father to talk to right now. Sokka had woken just in time to watch Aelita disappear towards the beach. She had hardly spoken a word to him last night.

"Great." He groaned to himself, turning onto his back. "You kiss a girl and she pretends you don't exist. Score one for Sokka." He debated on waking up Katara and asking her advice, after all, she was sort of a girl so she might actually know a thing or two about what to do. But after mulling it over a minute Sokka decided against it. The last thing he wanted to do was admit to his little sister he needed her help. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Mushu scurried onto his chest, staring at him. "What?" Sokka asked. "Shouldn't you be with someone else?" The fire ferret looked at Aelita's empty sleeping bag and then back at Sokka and the boy could've sworn the rat knew what he was saying. "Well go get her then!" Sokka half-whispered, half yelled. Mushu let out a tiny squeak and tilted his head to the side. "She doesn't want to talk to me so you're on your own." Mushu jumped off of Sokka's chest and scurried off in the direction Aelita disappeared before stopping and looking back at the young warrior. "Okay, okay fine," Sokka whispered, standing from his sleeping bag. "Let's go find her then."

Purple faded to orange as the sun began to peak from beyond the horizon. Aelita had been admiring the peacefulness of the moment when the sound of Sokka's voice caught her ear.

"Will you slow down!" He shouted after someone. "For such little legs, you move awfully fast! Is it because you have four?"

Aelita would've been confused had Mushu not popped out from the brush along the edge of the beach. When he saw her the ferret happily dashed to her. Sokka appeared just as Aelita bent down to take Mushu in her arms, smiling the whole time. That breathtaking, beautiful smile. It was a shame the smile had been aimed at Mushu instead of him.

"Is the mean man yelling at you baby?" Aelita cooed as she scratched Mushu behind the ear. "You just ignore him, he doesn't have any manners now, does he?"

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