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The Waterbending Master- Part Three

"No place big enough for holding all the tears you're gonna cry, cause your mama's name was lonely and your daddy's name was pain. And they call you little sorrow cause you'll never love again. So why you wanna fly, blackbird? You ain't ever gonna fly." - India Jean-Jacques

🌊 🌋 🔥 🌪

There wasn't much time for anyone to relax as it seemed the four travelers arrived on a very special night. As they settled into their quarters, tribe members could be heard moving with haste in every direction, the happy chatter of what still needed to be done. Arnook had mentioned a celebration feast but no one knew what exactly they were celebrating.

"I bet it's me." Sokka mused with a conceited smirk while everyone else unpacked.

"What's so special about you?" Katara asked. Spirits she had hoped her brother wouldn't embarrass her.

"The arrival of the strongest warrior in the Southern Water Tribe, duh."

"Weren't you technically the only warrior in the Southern Water Tribe?" Aelita deadpanned. "Everyone else was either already away or what, five years old?"

"You just have to ruin things for me, don't you?"

"Someone has to keep your head from getting any bigger than it already is."

"You know I really hate you sometimes."

"Who do you think our master will be?" Aang interrupted. He could care less about the feast and frankly neither could the girls. The three of them were itching to finally do what they had came all the way to the North Pole for.

"I'm not sure. The Northern Tribe managed to stay out of the war so we never knew much about their customs or their bending." Aelita admitted.

"I was the first and only waterbender from our Tribe in a generation," Katara said quietly, clutching her necklace. "Your guess is as good as mine." A knock on their door brought their conversation to a pause. When Aang opened it a palace hand encouraged them to join the Chief in the courtyard as soon as they finished unpacking. The monk thanked her and assured her they'd be there in just a moment.

"Well, it looks like we're about to find out." Aang smiled from the door. "I can't wait."

"I can't wait to eat!" Sokka jumped from his bed at the glorious realization that there would be food. As frustrating as the boy could be, he managed to make the others laugh. Aang held the door for Katara and the two immediately were chatting again about their eagerness to learn. Sokka paused to wait for Aelita who was reaching into the bottom of her bag.

"Coming?" He asked.

"One second. I'm just trying to find something a little warmer." She had replaced her normal vest with a jacket stowed in her bag sometimes when they were still flying but now in the heart of the tundra she was feeling the ever-encroaching chill. "If I focus on my breathing my temperature will regulate but that's the last thing I want to worry about when I'm trying to master a whole new form of bending. I could've sworn I packed my furs." Aelita's fingers caressed soft material and she grabbed hold. "Here we go!" She said as she pulled the item from her pack, but it wasn't the robe she had been expecting. It was Zuko's tunic. She had forgotten she even had the shirt stuffed into the bottom of her bag long ago. Now it felt like molten iron in her hands, burning to the touch.

Zuko. Her Zuko. Flashbacks of the man she once knew danced in her head. He had cared for her when she was weak. Carried her. Bathed her. Clothed her. Held her. Kissed her. Touched her. The memories that came flooding back at the sight of the fine material nearly knocked the wind out of her. Suddenly the tunic was pulled from her hands and tossed on her bed, snapping Aelita back to reality.

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