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The Waterbending Master Cont.

"We used to have it all, it was us against the world but now I've been sleeping on my own. Spending all these nights alone knowing you're not coming home. " - I Prevail

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"So are you gonna tell me where we're going or am I just supposed to trust you and hope you're not sacrificing me to the spirits for atonement?"

"I can't decide who's more sarcastic," Yue said as she rolled her eyes. "You or Sokka."

"I'd like to think of it more as whit than sarcasm." Aelita countered as she followed the Princess away from the palace. "When you're stranded on a boat in the middle of the ocean for an extended period of time you have nothing to do but eat and think of witty comebacks. You didn't deny my potential sacrifice."

"I haven't made up my mind about it yet."

Both girls laughed and continued on their way, Yue leading and Hahn uncomfortably close behind. True to her word Yue went looking for the Akira after all of her own duties were finished, finding her playing with Yugoda's younger students. Katara had left to find Aang and Sokka was still at warrior training so it was just the two. They had spent their evening floating down the canals of the icy city, a basket full of Northern treats and delicacies between them. They bonded over a shared love of sweets, anything chocolate being their favorite.

Yue occasionally called for the small boat to stop, being powered by a waterbender, and she would point out some of her favorite places in the city. Aelita couldn't help but notice the pride in Yue's voice as she played tour guide. It was obvious she cared greatly for her home and her people. She almost reminded Aelita of a younger Zuko. Aelita would take the chance to ask questions about the tribe's culture and the Princess's life, genuinely fascinated by the vast differences in their upbringings.

Yue appreciated how open and curious the Akira was. She was the polar opposite of what the stories described firebenders to be and the Princess found herself wondering how many enemy soldiers were like Aelita, acting on orders they didn't agree with just to survive. She answered any question Yue asked about her life before and her childhood, not once hiding who she was or wanted to be

Hahn wasn't buying it. He was stuck listening to the girls go on and on and on some more. Yue was clinging onto everything the firebender bitch was saying like she wasn't the enemy. It was disgusting. And she was betrothed to the damn Prince? Hahn still couldn't believe they were really letting her walk free. The only good thing he had heard throughout his entire bout of torture was that at least her father was dead and out of the way. Good riddance.

Yue never knew it was possible to hate someone she hadn't met so much. Her heart broke for Aelita when she talked about her father. The Princess could never imagine how badly it would hurt to lose one of her parents let alone have to actually watch it happen. The Fire Lord was a monster. How on earth was the girl before her still so kind after everything she had been through?

If Yue had judged Aelita for her feelings towards Zuko and Sokka she didn't show it. It surprisingly felt good to get it all off of her chest. Yue listened as she let it all out, from growing up next to Zuko and their vulnerability to him breaking her heart and turning out to be exactly who she never thought he would be. Aelita knew he sounded like a monster to everyone else, but Yue didn't say a bad word about him.

"You need time to heal before you can move on." The Princess said earlier. "Sokka's blinded by how he feels because he's only ever cared for one other girl before."

"How do you know?" Aelita had asked. What other girl? The Kyoshi Warrior? She didn't realize he still thought about her.

"He spent part of the morning with me before his training," Yue admitted. "He talked about you."

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