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Hey all!

Thank you so much for coming along on this ride! Seeing people read something you wrote is the coolest thing ever. I appreciate every one of you so much. I love reading your comments, long or short, and seeing your reactions to things. My goal is to move up pretty high in the rankings for my tags so please keep reading, commenting, voting, and sharing away. Y'all are honestly the best.

If you were here at the beginning you saw the very old and not nearly as good writing style that I moved away from. Since being under quarantine has given me nothing but time I'm happy to say I've sat down and done deep edits of every chapter thus far. Each chapter is ideally void of any errors (though I am human and may have missed a few) and has morphed into the third-person style I adapted later on. I love being able to see how each character is feeling more freely so I'm gonna continue this POV through the rest of the series. It will likely be a few days/potentially weeks to get finish up Book 1 because I want it to be perfect so if you have the time or need some entertainment while on lockdown I recommend revisiting old chapters. While it isn't necessary by any means I just think my recent updates flow much better, tie up loose ends and I just love seeing the characters change in themselves and their relationships with each other. The only change to be aware of is I did change the name of the faceless guide spirit. The Seer is now Ryuk simply because I felt him having a name would make him more approachable and realistic.

Depending on how long this shutdown due to Covid-19 lasts will affect when I start on Book 2 but I'm hoping it won't be long. I'm so excited for Aelita to explore more of her role in the spirit world and to introduce you to Zetzu, Zuko's twin and second in line to the throne. Again thank you so much for the support!

I love to read your comments, thoughts, and reactions, it's honestly one of my very favorite things. Drop your predictions down below for the rest of the book or the series as a whole. Tell me your favorite characteristic of Aelita's and tell me what's been your favorite chapter/episode/arch so far. What are you most excited about in Book 2? How do you think Toph and Aelita will mesh? Who's your top ship so far? Is there any character you are excited to meet or see more of soon? Also if you know someone else in the fandom feel free to invite them to read. Thanks so much!

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