All In Your Hands

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The Fortune Teller Fin

"The questions never asked, you'll never find the answer. Waiting for the truth could become your cancer that could form in ways in this tragic way, have this stage set for a great ending. We're miles from the finish line, is your heart worth defending?" - Framing Hanley 

🌊 🌋 🔥🌪

"I can't believe you're really dragging us all the way up here for a stupid flower." Sokka huffed out of breath.

"I can't believe he woke us up at sunrise for a stupid flower," Aelita said a step ahead. 

Correction, before the sun had even completely risen Aang happily shook both Sokka and Aelita awake. He needed their help for his master plan to win the girl. Katara was up almost equally as early, but she planned on spending her day with Aunt Wu. Her brother swear the girl was borderline obsessed now. As soon as she left Aang drug the other two to the base of the volcano outside of the village and said to start climbing. They were finally almost to the top.

"Hey, it's not my fault you two decided to sleep on the hardwood under the stars." Aang defended as he floated from rocky ledge to ledge.

Sokka and Aelita had spent the rest of the night talking about the myths and legends from our villages. The firebender assumed she must have fallen asleep listening to the lull of one of the tall tales because when Aang had woken them up they were still outside with their backs to the pillar, her head propped on the other boy's shoulder. Her stomach twisted itself into knots when she woke. In her tired haze, she half expected to wake up to Zuko's face instead of Sokka's.

"We should've just gone back to sleep." She muttered as she turned to lend a hand to Sokka, helping pull him to the next ledge. "Instead we're flowering picking. Gag me."

"Not just any flower," Aang assured with a grin. "A panda lily. I've seen it in action and boy does it work."

"Flowers are fine once you're married." Sokka lectured. "But at this stage it's critical you maintain maximum aloofness."

"How would you know? How many girls are actually interested in you?"

"Plenty of them! You have no room to talk, I don't see you fighting off suitors at every stop."

"At least I didn't insult the last girl I had a crush on and then steal her makeup," Aelita smirked as she referenced Suki, the Kyoshi warrior Sokka had told her about. Turns out the manly girl she thought she had been fighting back then was Sokka. She'd never let him live it down now that she knew. "Are you sure that was a real kiss or was it more of a pity thing?"

"One more word and I'm gonna push you off this mountain."

"I swear you two fight more than siblings do and Sokka's actual sibling spends every single day with him." Aang interrupted. It was like traveling with children. Aelita stuck her tongue out at Sokka and kept climbing.

"I think it's a sweet idea Aang, I just hope it's worth this climb. " She said. "My thighs are killing me over here."

"Well my heart says to get this flower and Aunt Wu said if I followed my heart I would be with the one I loved."

"What? Don't tell me you believe in that stuff too?" Sokka asked in an annoyed tone.

"Well," Aang paused briefly. "Aunt Wu hasn't been wrong yet. Why should she be wrong about love? If she's right everyone will be happy."

"Speak for yourself," Aelita said under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing Aang." The monk looked away from her and back towards the top of the mountain now just a few feet away before a massive smile took over his face. 

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