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The Waterbending Scroll Cont

"We don't deal with outsiders very well, they say newcomers have a certain smell. Yeah, trust issues, not to mention they say they can smell your intentions. You're lovin' on the freakshow sitting next to you, you'll have some weird people sitting next to you.  You'll think "How did I get here, sitting next to you?" But after all I've said, please don't forget all my friends are heathens, take it slow, Wait for them to ask you who you know.  Please don't make any sudden moves, you don't know the half of the abuse." - Twenty One Pilots

🌊    ⛰     🔥    🌪

Aelita leaned forward to stretch her back from her spot on the ground beside Aang, feeling only light fabric brush her skin. It still felt odd being off the ship without any armor on, as if she were exposed. The same grey slim-fitting pants she wore underneath the protective layers were now tucked into simple black boots that ended her knee. She had replaced the matching top with a plain white short-sleeved shirt. Her Dad's tanto was tied diagonal across her back with a white ribbon for easy access. Grey finger-less gloves ended at her wrist, white bandaging wrapping from their end to just below her elbow. Most people would assume it was for wrist support but Aelita was smarter than that. The fabric-covered the scars that so many people often used to point her out in a crowd. The average bystander would only notice the faint webbing on her fingertips if they were looking at her. A burgundy vest was the final layer, loose enough to conceal weapons and will enough pockets to carry supplies. Aelita wanted nothing more than to blend in and get to the North Pole as fast as possible. She watched as Sokka floated by in front of the benders standing on the belly of Appa. He was using the branch to scrub back in forth between the bison's toes and Appa was grumbling in delight.

"Yeah don't get too happy." That tan-skinned boy muttered. "You've gotta do me next."

Aelita and Aang both focused their attention on Katara who stood at the edge of the water. It was time to get down to business.

"This is a pretty basic move but it still took me months to perfect," Katara said. She never imagined herself as a teacher before. She crouched slightly at the knee, lifted both hands in front of her, and began to shift slightly back and forth. "So don't be frustrated if you don't get it right away." Aang smiled softly and nodded. He seemed far more confident than Aelita did and she had never once questioned her abilities as a bender before. Katara thrust her hands forward as she leaned out and pulled them back as she leaned in. As she did small waves formed in the water before her following forward and back in sync with her motions. "Push and pull the water like this. The key is getting the wrist movement right." 

"Like this?" Aang questioned as he mimicked her movements. He and Aelita stood on either side of Katara. The water in front of him began to dance in smaller waves than the waterbenders.

"That's almost right." She said looking his way. "If you keep practicing I'm sure eventually..."

"Hey, I'm bending it already!" Aang interrupted and he was. Larger, fuller waves moved back and forth in the water before him. They were twice the size of the waves she had made.

"Wow, I can't believe you got that so quickly," Katara told him as she dropped her hands. "It took me two months to learn that move."

"Well you had to figure it out all on your own," Aang reasoned with her, shooting her a lopsided grin. "I'm lucky enough to have a great teacher."

"Thanks." The girl returned his smile. "Okay Aelita, your turn." Two sets of eyes landed on the Akira.

Aelita closed her eyes as she took a deep breath and let it out as she opened her eyes. Relax. Concentrating on the water in front of her she held her hands up slightly. Pushing her wrists forward and then pulling them back she watched as the water slowly began to move with her with ease. She nearly dropped her hands and wondered when this would stop feeling so surreal.

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