Life On Standby

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"I need you now, more like yesterday, the last day I could see you smile." - Hawthorne Heights

🌊 🌋 🔥 🌪

Right. Right. Down. Left. Forward. Right. Repeat.

It was considered an advanced set but Aelita had learned it beside Azula so many odd years ago. Still, it was a good set regardless, so the Akira incorporated it into her morning training.

Right. Right. Down. Left. Forward. Right. Repeat.

The Avatar sat cross-legged on a rock nearby watching as his friend moved flawlessly through her forms. There was certainly no denying Aelita was a natural bender. She glided through the motions with ease, breathing steadily the whole time, an air of calmness and confidence in her being. When it came to watching Aelita, Aang could almost find firebending beautiful. Almost. As Aelita neared the end of her workout she caught a glimpse of Aang watching her yet again. She had noticed very early on that anytime she practiced her firebending Aang would always be close by watching. He never interrupted, never asked questions, and never got too close.

"You know," Aelita said as she finished her final steps. "If I didn't know you were so into Katara already I would find this a little bit creepy."

"Is it that obvious?" The Avatar rubbed the back of his neck as his face turned a bright shade of red.

"Only to anyone with half a brain, so, not Sokka, or anyone not utterly oblivious, so not Katara," Aelita smirked. She didn't bother keeping her voice down since neither were around.

The Water Tribe siblings had wandered into the nearby town for supplies to stock up. They had made it across the Earth Kingdom by now and were skirting the edges of what used to be Air Nomad territories. Soon there would be nothing but ocean between the team and the North Pole. Seeing as the area they were in was crawling with Fire Nation soldiers Aelita decided it was best if she and Aang laid low. This left Katara and Sokka to gather supplies while she and Aang were free to train in the cover of the woods. The monk had grown to rather enjoy Aelita's presence. She had so effortlessly melted into the group, bonding with all three of them in their own ways. Letting her join had been Aang's idea, but Katara had been the first to come around. After all, neither of the two girls had a close girl friend before, so they were happy to have each other. Sokka had taken more time than his sister, but Aang had to laugh when he watched the now constant banter back and forth between the two of them. And then of course there was the Avatar.

Aang had always been kind to Aelita from the start, but back then they had been far from a team or friends. Their roles and responsibilities were still so new and heavy on their shoulders, they honestly didn't know how to talk to one another at the beginning. But the two had already faced so many challenges together that they began to fit together naturally, almost like yin and yang. They were truly becoming great friends, which was why Aelita felt it was time she finally confronted Aang about his fears.

"So when are you going to stop staring like a creep and let me teach you?" She asked bluntly. Aang flinched.

"Aelita, I've already told you, I'm not firebending."

"Aang you have to learn." She said seriously now. "We won't be able to defeat Ozai without firebending."

"But you already can," Aang stressed. "You're practically a firebending master. Why do you need me?"

"Because you're the Avatar. You have to master all the elements."

"Says who?"

"Roku and Tulan."

She had a point but Aang wasn't backing down, not after he so carelessly hurt Katara.

"You weren't there the last time," Aang said as he floated up off the rock and onto the ground. "I got carried away and I couldn't control it. I hurt Katara."

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