Hear Me Now

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The Siege Of The North

"There's no light, there's no sound. Hard to breath when you're underground." - Hollywood Undead

🌊 🌋 🔥 🌪

"Come on Hahn, pick up the pace." Aelita yawned as she easily ducked each swing of the warriors club. "I'm pretty sure my Grandpapa can move faster than this and he's dead."

"I'm trying!" Hahn exclaimed in frustration and swung again. Spirits he hated this girl.

Getting tired of getting nowhere Aelita heated her palm and caught Hahn's club as it would've come down on her shoulder. It only took a split second for the heat to make its way through the weapon, leaving the warrior wannabe to drop it quickly and fall to his knees, shoving his now burning hands in the water bucket nearby.

"Rule number one of fighting a firebender is..." Aelita trailed off and looked at the group of warriors sitting in on her lesson. A hand shot up in the back.

"I know Sifu Aelita!"

"Tch." Hahn huffed. Master. She beats him and a couple of other guys one or ten times in hand to hand and the Chief makes her a master. Her! A firebender. Everyone had lost their damn minds.

"Yes, Tanyo?" Aelita asked and tried not to smile as she read Hahn's annoyance.

"Be faster." The younger teenage girl recited. She was without a doubt Aelita's favorite thus far, and she had been the very first girl to join when Arnook announced women were now allowed to serve. "Firebending is primarily offensive. The best way to beat a firebender is to stop them before they have a chance to attack."

"Excellent Tanyo," Aelita affirmed as she pulled her parka back over her head. She didn't want to be late for her own lesson as a student. "I'll trust you to train on your own this morning. Don't forget your speed drills."

Aelita was met with a chorus of 'yes sifu' from her students as they moved to stretch and pick up their weapons. Arnook had asked her personally to help train his warriors to prepare the Northern Water Tribe to send relief to the Earth Kingdom. Aelita admittedly felt a bit of guilt and inner turmoil about teaching others how to fight her own against people knowing most were just following orders. It was something she struggled with quietly every day much like she had when she first joined Aang. Despite this she had agreed to the Chief's request, spending the last weeks splitting her time between teaching combat and studying waterbending. On her way out the door, Aelita glanced down at Hahn. She had assured Yue that the boy hadn't needed any punishment after his outburst and attempt on Katara. The embarrassment he felt from losing to her was enough to keep him in line, at least for now. "You gonna make it kid?"

"You burnt me and I am not a child!" Hahn snapped. He hated her even more than he hated Sokka, and that pathetic Southern peasant had ruined all of his plans for the future.

"That was nothing." Aelita rolled her eyes. "In a real fight the Fire Nation won't hold back. Get up, I promise your hands will be in better shape than your pride. I suggest you spar with Tanyo while I'm gone, she gets it.".

The Akira made it across the Northern training facilities just in time to warm up with the other waterbenders, Katara included. Just as they had been at their first lesson, they were genuinely happy to be here, especially together. Pakku watched as the girls moved through the motions and wasn't afraid to admit he was impressed by them. Katara was without a doubt the hardest working student he had ever had. She was progressing at a rate he didn't know was possible for any normal bender before her. She was determined to be strong and Pakku didn't think anything could stand in her way.

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