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Bato Of The Water Tribe

"I will never know what happens next even when my heart beats out my chest. Through all of the chaos I'll find a way out, I know home is where you make it. " - I Prevail

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"Sokka, you're gonna want to see this!" Aelita reached down and picked up a discarded weapon from the grass. She and her friends had been gathering supplies to make camp for the night when something on the ground caught her eye. The handle was the length of her forearm and thin, wrapped in blue fabric. The blade was the same length, jagged and uneven but sharp and deadly nonetheless.

"What is that?" Asked Aang as he floated down from a fruit tree above.

"A whale's tooth sword." The Akira responded and Sokka slid down the hill behind to study it for himself.

"Let me see that." He said as Aelita handed the sword over. Sokka turned and tilted it in his hands, taking in all of the details of the craftsmanship. Seeing the blade sent his mind back to a time when the men of his tribe were preparing to join the war.

"That's a Water Tribe weapon, isn't it?" Aelita questioned.

"It is," Sokka confirmed, gripping the sword closer. "Look around and see if you can find anything else."

"Look for what?" Katara asked as she approached carrying their firewood. "Did somebody lose something?"

"Actually we found something!" Aang said as he, Sokka, and Aelita looked through the grass and brush. Under the leaves of a bush, Sokka found a broken, charred end of an arrow.

"It was burnt." He said as he picked up the piece. Aelita was next to him studying various slashes and burns in the bark of a tree trunk.

"There was a battle here." She said as she grazed a deep cut with her fingers. Sokka noticed that moving downhill the trees continued having similar scars.

"Water Tribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders." He pieced together. "The firebenders fought back but the warriors pressed them downhill."

"Towards the sea where they would have an advantage." Aelita realized. Sokka knew she was right and overcome with hope he took off running down the hill, leaving the others to chase after him. Pushing past the forest and rock he ended up on a wide stretch of beach but found not another soul in sight.

"So then what happened?" Aang asked as the three caught up to their friend.

"I don't know," Sokka admitted, disappointment seeping through his core. "The trail ends here." Katara looked up and down the beach, for any sign of her people Sokka may have missed, and almost couldn't believe her eyes when she found it.

"Look!" She shouted, pointing down the beach. Yards away stuck on the sandy bank was a familiar-looking longboat with blue sails.

"It's one of our boats!" Sokka smiled, he and Katara both running this time. Aang and Aelita followed along just steps behind.

"Is this Dad's boat?" Katara asked her brother as the two reached the wooden vessel.

"No," Sokka told her and he rubbed the side of the boat. "But it's from his fleet. Dad was here." The siblings who seemed to fight more than anything embraced one another as Aang and Aelita caught up to them. The very thought of being somewhere their father had been warned their hearts. Growing up without a mother was already hard but saying goodbye to their Dad only made their world more bleak. What they would give to be back together as a family.

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Iroh took a long drink of the tea in his hand and sighed a happy, content sigh. "See Prince Zuko," he said as he poured more tea into both he and his nephew's cups. "A moment of quiet is good for your mental well-being."

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