Pens And Needles

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The Waterbending Master - Part Two

"And all I had was the memory of what was, so let's pretend it never mattered to us." - Hawthorne Heights

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Fire Navy Docks

"They're heading north, to the Northern Water Tribe. They need to master waterbending." Zhao's eyes practically burned a hole into the map he studied before turning to face the tent full of Fire Navy officials.

"Are the rumors true Admiral?" Questioned the youngest Captain in the room. "Is the Akira really Sukomo Kenshin's daughter?" It was the wrong question to ask.

"Don't you dare say the name of that traitorous scum in my presence again!" Zhao barked, steam rising from his clenched fist. After a moment, he regained his composure. "Yes, the stories are true. The Fire Lord himself just doubled the bounty on her and the Avatar's heads. They're both a threat to the Fire Nations' victory in the war, and right now they're looking for a teacher."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Asked the man closest to Zhao. "Let's go get them!"

"Patience Captain Lee. This isn't some little Earth village we can march into." Zhao explained, pacing the tent. "The Water Tribe is a great nation. There's a reason they've survived a hundred years of war. The frozen tundra is treacherous, the landscape itself is an icy fortress. And now they have another advantage; an insider." One of Zhao's guards held up a sketch for all to see of the Akira. The younger officers grew confident as they studied her picture. There was no way this young girl could be a real threat. The older officers who knew of her as a child knew better. "Aelita Kenshin, now known to the world as the Akira." Zhao spat in disgust. "Don't let her size or her age fool you, she will be a problem. For the first twelve years of her life, she attended the Royal Fire Academy. She was raised by a General and set to be betrothed to the Prince as a child, so it's safe to assume she knows our strategies, tactics, ships, and weaponry. " Zhao continued his slow pace around the tent, locking eyes with those who still looked skeptical. He hated to admit these things out loud about the little rat. "And do not underestimate her in a fight. Before Sukomo's betrayal came to light his daughter was trained by the finest masters the Fire Nation had to offer. She was a prodigy, she rivaled even that of the Princess herself in skill." A wave of stunned gasps and murmurs rose through the group. Everyone knew the raw skill possessed by Princess Azula. Many studied Aelita's picture again. Just how powerful was this girl? "With the Akira in their ear, the Water Tribe will think they have nothing to fear," Zhao concluded as he made his way back to where he started, eyes locked on the map before him. "But we'll just have to prove them wrong. For that, we'll need a massive invasion force."

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The A-Team

"Whoa now, is that necessary?" Sokka asked out loud. Seize her? Did he really hear the waterbenders right? He must have because before anyone could answer him a stream of water rose from the ocean and raced its way towards Aelita's midsection. She deflected the attack with the flick of her wrist, ice-cold water coating the saddle around her.

"Gentlemen please," Aelita said calmly. She knew exactly what this was about. She was a firebender and they didn't trust her. "I promise you I mean you no harm."

"I'm sure Sozin said the same thing before he wiped out the Air Nomads too." The leader scoffed. Another rush of water came from both her front and back, aimed at her head and legs, but this time Aelita wasn't moving. Sokka barely pulled her away in time, the attacks crashing together.

"She's telling the truth." He defended adamantly.

"That's right." Aang agreed in the voice of a diplomat. "You have no reason to attack our friend."

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