Welcome To The Black Parade

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The Siege of The North Part One - Fin

"A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams, your misery and hate will kill us all. So paint it black and take it back let's shout it loud and clear. Defiant to the end we hear the call to carry on, we'll carry on." - My Chemical Romance

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There was no way in hell Zuko would ever step foot in the North Pole again after this. As he paddled through the freezing waters he tried to ignore how cold his hands were. He had made his way undetected past the Fire Nation fleet and used the icebergs as a cover to stay unnoticed by the warriors patrolling the wall of ice that surrounded the city. He banked his kayak in the snow where the wall met the ice and searched for a way in. The wall was too high to climb without being caught and still too well intact to force his way through despite the earlier assault it had faced. He'd have to be smart about this. Behind him, a group of turtle seals was barking up a storm to one another surrounding a small pool of water. The Prince watched as one by one they disappeared into the water under the ice.

"Where are they going?" He wondered out loud to himself. Staring down into the water he could only see darkness. "They're coming up for air somewhere." Taking a chance Zuko took a deep breath before diving into the unknown

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"The legends say the moon was the first waterbender." Princess Yue explained as she took in the beauty of the light in the sky. She stood on her balcony next to Aang, Katara, and Aelita. "Our ancestors saw how it pushed and pulled the tides and learned how to do it themselves."

"I've always noticed my waterbending is stronger at night." Katara clutched the necklace around her neck and admired the sky. Tomorrow the moon would be full.

"That's why Zhao stopped for the night," Aelita said as she looked out into the ocean. In the distance, she could hear the sound of tearing metal and crashing waters. "Azulon learned the waterbender's secrets when he invaded the South Pole. The Fire Nation almost always attacks at midday when the sun is highest in the sky because that's where we draw our power from. That's why I held half my team back earlier, the other half is out there now trying to sink ships. Zhao won't launch a counterattack with the moon so close to being full. There's too many for them to take down in one night but it'll help. I should be out there right now with them."

"You fought all day, you need your rest." Katara tried to ease her friend's guilty conscious. "The Chief was right to hold you back, you won't do them any good out there if you're falling over from exhaustion."

"She's right." Yue agreed. "For now you should rest and pray to the spirits. Our strength comes from the spirit of the moon, our life comes from the spirit of the ocean. They work together to keep balance like you and Aang."

"The spirits!" Aang perked up from his spot on the ground. He had an idea. "Maybe Aelita and I can find them and ask for their help."

"Of course!" Aelita agreed. "The Water Tribe has respected and worshiped them for years, maybe the spirits will be willing to protect them."

"You can do that?" Yue asked. "Get the spirits to help?

"The Avatar and the Akira form the bridge between our world and the spirit world," Katara explained with newfound hope. "That means Aelita and Aang can talk to the spirits."

"Maybe they'll give you the wisdom to win this battle." Yue could feel her own hope surging too. If anyone could do this it was Aang and Aelita.

"Or maybe they'll unleash a crazy, amazing spirit attack on the Fire Nation!" Aang bounced up in down like an excited child.

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