Playing With Fire

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The Siege of The North Part One - Cont.

"I get burned, I don't learn, I'll be back give it time. Yeah I know it sounds crazy but I guess I like playing with fire." - Thomas Rhett

🌊 🔥 🌪

The entire North Pole was in a panic. The emergency drums had been sounded and everyone was pouring their way towards the palace for answers and safe cover. Arnook was doing his best to keep his voice calm as he gave out orders and instructions. He wasn't afraid to admit he was scared but his people needed him. His eyes scanned the crowd looking for his daughter. She should be with Sokka.

Sokka didn't bother sending Appa back to the stables, he landed the bison directly in front of the palace steps. They had to move fast. Sliding down off of the bison with ease he reached out to help the Princess who looked outright terrified.

"I have to find my father." War be damned Yue had still never imagined this day would come. "I have to help the people."

Sokka admired her dedication even in the face of adversity. "Go, I've gotta find my sister and my friends. I'll be in soon." As he turned to leave she grabbed his hand.

"Sokka wait." She called after him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Promise me you'll be careful." She pleaded. She had grown to care about all of the rag-tag team so much, but Aelita and Sokka both held a special place in her heart. Aelita was her first honest and genuine friend, the only person who wasn't intimidated by her title. And Sokka was...Sokka. He treated her like a real, normal girl instead of a Princess. She didn't have words for how she felt about him. "Tell everyone to be careful. I can't lose any of you." Her eyes fell to the ground and her cheeks warmed. "Especially you. I really can't lose you."

"Hey." Sokka cupped a hand around her cheek and made her look at him. "You don't have to worry about anyone. They have me, what could go wrong? Besides if you didn't have me you'd get stuck with Hahn and if that happened I'm pretty sure you would haunt me from my grave." He teased in an attempt to make her smile even in such a tense time.

It worked. Yue laughed and leaned into the boy's gentle touch. "Well, just in case this is for good luck." The Princess caught Sokka off guard when she titled her head back and pressed her lips to his.

Sokka was confused. Happy - but confused nonetheless. He still couldn't shake the guilt that had been eating him away, but he did know he cared about Yue. A lot. He didn't have the time to figure it out now. He was pulled back to reality as the sound of the drums once more pounded in his ear. He and Yue both leaned away and her hand immediately flew to the betrothal necklace around her neck.

"Promise me." She said again.

"I promise."

"Princess Yue!" Called a councilman from the top of the steps.

"I've gotta go, find the others, and meet me inside." She turned and ran up the steps.

"Sokka!" Katara called out when she saw her brother. Right now there was no one else she wanted to see. This felt all too much like the raid that took their mother.

"Katara!" The older boy hugged his sister tightly before pulling away and looking at the ominous cloud of black smoke that only continued to grow larger. "We don't have much time." Aang stood at the top of the stairs ushering everyone into the palace but the grey hair girl he was looking for was missing. "Where's Aelita?"

"She said something about a reconnaissance team and leading the first strike," Katara explained. "She was heading for the weapons hut last I saw her."

"Katara, Sokka!" Aang motioned inside the palace to his friends. He didn't know what he was feeling. Fear and empathy for the people of the Tribe and near malice for the Nation that was sure to wreak havoc. That alone scared him, the anger. But Aang didn't have time to be scared. The world needed him and this time he'd be ready.

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