Unholy Confessions

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The Fortune Teller

"I wish I could be the one, the one who won't care at all. But being the one on the stand I know the way to go, no one's guiding me. When time soaked with blood turns its back I know it's hard to fall. Confided in me was your heart, I know it's hurting you but it's killing me." - Avenged Sevenfold

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A massive green catfish jumped out and back into the water of the body of water beside the camp.

"Look!" Katara pointed as the fish jumped again. Her brother's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates at the sight of a potential catch. The fish showed himself yet again and he could've sworn it smirked at them.

"He's taunting us," Sokka said with a newfound determination. "You are so gonna be dinner!"

Before Aelita could even move Sokka raced to his makeshift tent and dug for his fishing pole, forgetting he had a gaggle of waterbenders at his use. Too bad her impatient and sometimes clueless friend didn't inspect his pole before he began to wildly attempt to cast into the lake. If he did he would've noticed the pole was missing its line.

"Hey, where's the fishing line?" Sokka asked after multiple failed attempts. He had also totally missed the monk busy weaving behind him.

"Oh, I didn't think you would need it Sokka." Aang smiled innocently, holding up his creation, the other boy leaning in close to inspect the damage.

"Awh, it's all tangled!" Sokka whined.

"Not tangled." Aang clarified as he bent the air around him to lift him to stand. "Woven. I made you a necklace Katara. I thought since you lost your other one." Aang smiled and proudly held up his hand-woven necklace with a petite pink flower in the center like a charm. He hoped she liked it, he tried to make it as beautiful as her.

"Thanks, Aang." Katara grinned as she accepted her gift. "I love it."

"It is beautiful Aang." Aelita with a smile of her own. He was in so deep.

"Great Aang," Sokka muttered, the only one not impressed. "Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewelry-making business."

"I don't see why I can't do both." The airbender shrugged casually.

"Because that would require having a skill which is something Sokka doesn't understand seeing as he has none."

"That's not true Aelita! I have lots of skills!"

"Catching food clearly isn't one of them."

The fish flailed in and out of the water again. Seeing this Sokka chucked his now useless fishing pole at it and into the water. "Stop taunting me!" He yelled and charged into the water, knife in his hand.

"Some days I really can't believe you're the future Chief of your village." Aelita rolled her eyes at Sokka's ridiculous ways.

"Hey!" He argued as he lunged at the fish, soaking himself even further. "I'll be a great Chief!" Lunge and a miss again. "I'm very wise and knowledgeable!"

"Is how to not catch a fish part of that knowledge oh wise one?"

"Would it kill you to say something nice about me for once?"

"Maybe it would so why would I risk it?"

Seeing as if she were hungry too Aelita figured she shouldn't let Sokka completely ruin a shot at a perfect dinner. With a flick of her wrist, a bubble of water encased around the massive fish and lifted it into the air, dangling in front of the boy's face, earning her a scowl. He thrust his arms into the floating water, popping her bubble, and grabbed the fish.

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