Head Above Water

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The Siege of The North Part Two - The Finale

"I've gotta keep the calm before the storm, I don't want less, I don't want more. Must bar the windows and the doors to keep me safe, to keep me warm. Yeah, my life is what I'm fighting for, can't part the sea, can't reach the shore. And my voice becomes the driving force, I won't let this pull me overboard. God, keep my head above water, don't let me drown, it gets harder. I'll meet you there at the altar. As I fall down to my knees don't let me drown." - Avril Lavigne

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It was strange how much grief was like falling in love, so obsessive and totally consuming. Having to feel both for the same person was cruel and twisted. Sokka wouldn't wish this feeling on anyone else in the world. Still, on his knees where he once held Yue, he felt his sister wrap her arms around him. Her brother who was normally loud, brash, and unapologetically full of himself now looked empty and defeated The two sat in silence for some time before Katara stood and offered a hand to Sokka. He glanced up at the bright moon for a final time before accepting her hand and rising to his feet. He was more determined than ever to put an end to this war so no one would ever have to feel the pain he did.

"Look!" Iroh said while pointing. The siblings followed his direction and saw the spring waters now glowing deep blue once more. They were still as the water rose and like a gentle hand laid the Avatar on the grass. As the water pulled away from him his eyes were closed but his tattoos slowly lost their glow.

"Aang!" Katara was at the boy's side in a minute, picking his head up and laying it in her lap. She was relieved to see his grey eyes flutter open and stare back at her. "Are you okay?" She asked.

With his friend's help, Aang pushed himself into a sitting position and rubbed his temples. His mind was hazy, his body totally exhausted but otherwise fine. The entire experience was almost other worldly.

"Yeah." He finally said. "Yeah, I think so."

"Where's Aelita?" Sokka asked. If Aang was here why wasn't she?

"She's not back?" Aang questioned, his eyes darting around the Oasis. He had only vaguely been aware of his actions and what had happened, he hadn't even had the chance to worry about Aelita.

"No." Sokka was panicking now, his mind racing to all the worse case scenarios. He couldn't lose anyone else. "Is she okay? Did something happen?" The questions were pouring out of his mouth at a million miles a minute. Today had been far too grim of a reminder that no one was safe from this war or death. "Is she still..." He couldn't even say the words.

"Breath Sokka," Aang assured. "I'm not sure what happened..." He stopped for a minute while he searched deep down inside of himself. "But I can still feel her. She's alive."

"Then where is she?" Katara's gaze fell to the door of the Oasis. Aelita was probably one of the strongest fighters she had ever met but knowing she was out there, somewhere alone and maybe even hurt was unsettling.

"I don't know," Aang admitted. He had noticed over a time he always felt a certain pull and awareness to Aelita. He closed his eyes and focused on her face, hoping and praying their connection might be able to lead him to her. When he felt an overwhelming sense of pain, grief, guilt, confusion, and anger swell up inside of him he knew something was wrong. Floating onto his feet he pushed the fatigue aside, the urgency clear on his face. "All I know is she needs us."

🌊 ⛰ 🔥 🌪

"Your father was a bastard like the rest of us."

"More blood was on his hands than there ever has been mine."

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