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Alexis McArthur

Danny polished off his breakfast in no time, clenching his teeth to avoid lashing out at his younger sister who was purposefully stomping on his foot under the table.

"Dan-Dan, want strawberry?" His little sister Kylie asked, holding up said strawberry and offering it to him.

He smiled and took it from her, popping it into his mouth.


Kylie smiled and returned to her breakfast.

"I hope that you've all done your homework." Their Mum started, looking at Levi and him more so than the others.

He grinned back at her. "Yup!"

Levi on the other hand avoided her gaze and stuffed a huge chunk of pancake in his mouth.

"Levi Nathaniel McArthur."

Levi swallowed heavily at the use of his Government name then looked up at his mum.

"I forgot, Mummy," He cried out, looking at her pleadingly.

He snorted softly at the pitiful sight.

He couldn't believe that Levi was older than him.

"Oh no, you don't. I better not get a letter from your school saying that you haven't been doing your homework." Mum looked at him sternly and he cringed away.

Danny, Phoebe and Andy snickered softly under their breath while Kylie continued stuffing fruits into her mouth.

"As for all of you." They cringed as she turned her attention to them. "Place the dishes in the sink, wash you hands and face then head towards the vehicle. I don't want any of you going to school late."

They all nodded and scrambled up, bringing their dishes and glasses to the sink.

Only Kylie and their dad remained at the table.

Danny envied the little brat sometimes, she was the baby of the group so she was treated better than them all but then again, she always helped them convincing their mum to allow them to go places as their dad was more laid back and said yes to everything.

After washing their hands and faces, they all headed towards the vehicle, Danny sitting in the front while his brother and sister got in the back. Their dad would take Kylie to school since his workplace was literally next to her school.

He was a Vet.

"Okay, I know that your school is going to test your genders today," their Mum started as she got into the vehicle and buckled up; she pulled the seatbelt properly over Danny who pushed his mouth at her babying before she turned her body to look at his siblings and fixing their seatbelts. "Don't worry about the results, okay? Your Dad and I will always be proud of you no matter what you present as." She then smiled at them then started the vehicle.

Danny breathed a sigh of relief at her words. He already had a feeling that he wouldn't be an Alpha even with the bravado he showed at school. He was okay with that as long as he didn't present as Human, that would literally be the worse and he would rather be a Beta than a Human.

He looked back at his siblings who rolled their eyes at him.

"Levi, start you homework."

Levi startled then scrambled to do just that amidst snickers from them.

Intoxicated (ManxBoy) Mpreg Explicit - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now