Family Reunion - Part 2

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Danny smiled as everyone started conversations with each other, getting to know each other better as they enjoyed their meals.

"Phoebe, pass me the bowl of boiled lentils."

Danny grinned as Levi stretched his hand out for said bowl, a look of impatience on his face as Phoebe took her sweet time.


He wasn't exactly surprised at the growl which escaped Levi's lips, his eyes glowing a bright green color and foretelling that his Wolf, Retro was seconds after from jumping Phoebe.

His sister snorted and just handed him the bowl, not up for having his claws ruin her hair.

Her curls were popping because she left them to 'set' overnight and she wasn't about to look a mess in front of her longtime crush.

Talking about crush, her eyes strayed to Wolfie who was grinning at something his friend said, his arm thrown over the back of Danny's chair.

The Omega was frowning as he looked down at his plate of food, looking a bit indecisive.

Hmmm... Wonder what's wrong with him?

Oh well! He deserved whatever he got for getting matched with her crush.

She pouted then looked at her plate. She couldn't even hate on Danny because his cooking was always delicious and she didn't hold back as she dug in.


Danny sighed softly, barely managing to stop himself from hurling; he really didn't know what was wrong with him.

The food was delicious but he just didn't feel like eating. It was as if he lost his appetite.

But... He was craving some of the desserts he made, like those delious cupcakes and muffins... Ohhh! That delicious chocolate... Oooo, the Red Velvet or the Cheesecake... Oh my God, he wanted them now.

He raised his head and looked at Wolfie, placing his hand on the Alpha's thigh to get his attention.

Wolfie raised his chin at Jackson before turning to look at Danny inquiringly. "Yeah?"

Danny pouted and moved closer to him. "I don't want my food, can you take it? I wanna eat cake."

Wolfie frowned, looking taken aback at his words for a couple of seconds before shrugging. "Uhh, don't you think that you should wait until everyone's finished?"

Danny whined softly and dug his fingers into Wolfie's thigh, frowning when the Alpha didn't even bat an eye. "Can I at least eat a cupcake?"

The Alpha sighed. "Are you really sure that you don't want any of the food?" He grunted lowly and pulled Danny's chair closer to his until they were literally jammed to each other. "Are you okay?"

Danny cuddled into his side, not even aware that everyone was looking at them even while they continued conversing and eating their food.


"Yeah... Just don't feel like eating any food. I wanna eat something sweet." He looked into Wolfie's eyes pleadingly.

Even if he was the one to cook and bake everything didn't mean shit when you're entertaining guests.

The Alpha is always the one in control, so if he wanted anything, he would have to ask Wolfie.

Wolfie narrowed his eyes at him for a beat then released a low sigh, still eyeing him suspiciously. "Okay, fine. Just one cupcake until everyone has finished eating."

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