Of Musty Hoodies and Danny's Ring

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Wolfie's eyes widened at the sprawled out form of his Omega.

Did Danny... Did Danny really just faint?

He couldn't contain the snorts of amusement as Andy began chortling. "Dude, did he just fucking faint?!"

Wolfie snorted and picked up the phone, turning it around so that both Andy and her boyfriend could see the unconscious form of Danny sprawled all over his packages.

"Oh My God, please keep the phone still so I can take a picture," Andy said, her voice full of laughter. "Luka, give me your phone right now."

He heard Andy's boyfriend chuckle as he probably handed over his phone to her.

"I am so gonna upload this to Instagram and Twitter."

Wolfie snorted and waited for her to get a couple shots before turning the phone back around; he knew that Danny was going to wring his neck as soon as he found out but that didn't mean that he wanted to be outright murdered.

"Sorry to put a damper on your fun but I need to check on my Omega now. He'll have to call you back." He waited for Andy's confirmation before ending the call and dashing the phone on the couch erratically.

He really hoped that the screen cracked so that Danny could finally put that IPhone X he bought to good use.

Without waiting another minute, he knelt down and pulled Danny into his arms, his eyes roving over the Omega's face as he looked for any bruises. He also checked at the back of Danny's head with his fingers but felt nothing.

"At least you're unharmed," he murmured softly.

He began caressing the Omega's face as he didn't want him to startle as he awoke. "Baby? Come on, wake up."

He leaned down and placed his lips on Danny's, licking at the Omega's lips in a bid to wake up. "Come on, baby. Wakey Wakey."

Still no reaction.

Wolfie sighed as he pulled back, looking down at the face of his beautiful Omega.

He wasn't too surprised that Danny fainted. Marriage wasn't exactly that common in their world as it wasn't as binding as being Mated. He seldom came across anyone Mated who are married except for his parents and some other Celebrities.

For him to propose Marriage to Danny shows that he was extremely serious about the Omega since their Mateship could actually be broken by their Wolves if they were ever suspected of Infedility.

Major knew that what happened with Conan wasn't meant as an act of Infedility. Major and Conan's Wolf, Silo had also been bonded before it was broken.

The kiss was a way to help both of their Wolves with moving on properly as Major always went feral inside his head whenever he got close to Conan.

The other Wolf hadn't gotten past the aftereffects of them breaking their bond so as a way to cope, Conan had begged his Father for the mail room job as a way to help Silo.

Wolfie had known this but just like any other person, he had chosen to ignore it, hoping that it went away because he had been about two minds on whether to get back together with Conan.

If he had known that a simple kiss would've cleared everything up then he would've. He had thought that if he kissed the other, that their bond would've been renewed and if he hadn't been Mated to Danny, it probably would've happened.

Who knew for sure.

He hadn't kissed Conan because he wanted to, he kissed him so that they could both move on and so that the Omega's behavior would calm.

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