Explicitly Yours

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It was a couple of hours later that Danny came to himself because of the uncomfortable heat spreading throughout his body. His stomach was cramping like hell and he felt as if he was swimming in a pool of his own sweat.

"Hmmm," he twisted onto his stomach with a pained whimper as heat flared down his back.

"Shhh, you're okay." Rumbled a smooth, low voice.

Danny moaned softly as a cool palm pressed against his back; he pushed back against the hand as it began roaming across the expanse of his back.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."

That was the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness once more.


"-up, come on, time to wake up."

Danny moaned softly as someone's hand smoothed over his forehead. It felt so good. It was cooling some of the heat from his body.

Whimpers escaped his mouth as that same hand moved down his face and onto his chest where it squeezed.

"Angh!" He bolted up, his eyes wide open at the pressure on his chest.

He quickly looked down to see the person's hand fondling his... his breast!

The fuck?!

Oh God, his mind was scrambled up right now and he still hadn't looked at the person fondling him. Instead, he observed his surroundings.

The fuck?

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The fuck?

Where the heck was he and who the fu- he turned to look at the person and his eyes widened in recognition.

God, it was a good thing that it wasn't some serial killer or he would've already been skinned by now.

Anyway, back to the most eye catching thing/person in this room.

Anyway, back to the most eye catching thing/person in this room

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HIS Alpha!

Fuck, how was he so calm? Was something wrong with him? Shit, his thoughts were running a mile a second.

Intoxicated (ManxBoy) Mpreg Explicit - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now