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"Your daughter is mute."

Jackson's face drained of all color and he swallowed as he looked down at his sleeping daughter; he couldn't believe that... that he would never be able to hear his little girl's voice... ever.

He looked back up at the doctor and nodded. "Thank you for your help in delivering them."

The doctor nodded and sent him a small smile. "It was my pleasure. I do apologize for the bad news."

"Yeah... Me too," he replied softly, looking back down at the sleeping bundle in his arms. He sighed softly then looked back at the doctor. "Please get them properly cleaned up because my protective instincts have yet to make an appearance and I'm not sure how much longer that is."

So without another word, he carefully handed the little girl over to the nurse that the doctor had summoned, watching as they left the room with his pups to quickly clean them.


His daughter was a special needs kid.

He couldn't help the hollow chuckle which escaped his lips before he turned to look at a still unconscious Arlo.

What would the Beta say after hearing the news? It was his fault but he just knew that Arlo would blame himself for their daughter's short-comings.


This wasn't how he expected things to go. He knew that life was no fairytale but to take his pup's ability to speak was something that he never even thought of happening.

What the fuck was he gonna do with a mute pup? Did he have to learn sign language or some shit like that?

He just knew that the media was gonna have a field day with this.

Look, he wasn't an insensitive arsehole but he just got told that his daughter was handicapped or something. His first child was a special needs kid so how the fuck was he supposed to handle that?

He didn't have any of them in his family so how would he know how to take care of one?

He released a soft sigh of aggravation, watching as the nurses cleaned Arlo before transferring him to another bed.

"He's going to be transferred to a room now, Mr. Whittaker," the Omega nurse from before informed him as they prepared to wheel the Beta out of the room.

Jackson nodded mutely and followed after them, taking his scrubs off as he went.

This whole situation was too much and he couldn't wait for Arlo to wake up.

He didn't know what to do in a situation like this. Didn't people usually give special needs children up for adoption or some shit like that?

He would need to speak it over with the Beta.


As Wolfie cleaned both him and the unconscious Omega, he heard someone's knuckles rapping against the driver's seat window and looked up in confusion. He leaned back in his seat after making sure that Danny was decent before turning the ignition on so that he could lower the window.

As it lowered, his eyes connected with those of a striking Beta who looked to be one of the Hospital's security staff.

"What do you want?" he deadpanned, propping his arm up on the window.

He raised an eyebrow as the Beta's eyes strayed to an unconscious Danny before returning back to Wolfie. "I apologize for the interruption sir, but there have been reports from Residents that there was a car in the parking lot rocking back and forth." The man gave him a tight lipped smile. "I presume that there's a good reason for that, no?"

Intoxicated (ManxBoy) Mpreg Explicit - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now