The Beginning

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Kylie McArthur
Andy McArthur

Phoebe McArthur
Levi McArthur

Danny groaned as he supported Natalia's sudden weight; she didn't exactly weight that much but he liked being dramatic.

"Hop off of me, Fatty." He huffed when she snorted and wrapped her legs around his hips.

"I'm not fat, and even if I were, I'd still look sexy and I'll still glomp you." She moved her braids from her face and look at the others. "Hey guys, Phoebe already ditched you, huh."

Andy and Levi nodded. "Yeah, I don't know why she won't get her own damn car, I'm tired of being squished up against Andy."

Andy pushed him. "Like you're one to talk, I get that you want to smell good for Daisuke but dumping the entire content of perfume on your body is overdoing it." She grinned when a dark blush overcame his face.

Levi avoided looking at Daisuke who he was sure was smirking at him and instead glared at Andy, plotting his revenge against her in his mind.

"You two are something else, you know that?" Gage murmured, eyeing up them both and causing them to squirm under his gaze; he smirked at their reaction.

"Okay! If you two would stop eye-fucking Danny's siblings, we should go gather in the Assembly hall before those bags of onions can fill it up and rub their scent off on us," Kourtney intoned from where she was wrapped up in Shariff's arms.

Danny rolled his eyes at her and finally managed to dislodge Natalia by bribing her with a Subway Sandwich.

"So, you guys have any idea what you'll be?"

He rolled his eyes at the look Gage sent him. "I already said no, Gage. Even if I were an Omega, I won't want to belong to you. I am your friend and I sure as hell am not ignorant to the type of person you are."

Gage only chuckled lowly. "My offer still stands regardless."

Ayame pinched Gage's arm, earning a yelp from him before she focused on Danny. "Not really sure, but I have a feeling that I'll be a Beta."

"Alpha." Gage intoned.

"Omega!" Kourtney replied, wrapping her hand tighter around Shariff's arm.

"Alpha." Shariff pulled his arm from Kourtney then wrapped it properly around her. "I have a feeling that Kourt and I might be mates."

Kourtney nodded in excitement and moved as close as she could into Shariff's body.

Danny smiled at them. They had been together for seven years now and he would be extremely surprised if they weren't mated to one another.

"Alpha." Daisuke continued from Shariff as he eyed up Levi who was blushing and looking anywhere but at him. "I'm pretty sure Levi's gonna be an Omega, my Omega."

Andy brayed at that, not even looking embarrassed as she began teasing Levi who would slap at her hands when they got to close to his cheeks.

Natalia pulled Danny closer. "I think I'm gonna be an Alpha, there's no way I'm gonna lie down and let some shrimp dick Alpha fuck me. I just have a feeling, ya know?"

They all nodded in understanding, not the least bit surprised. Natalia was a very domineering person, she had her fun side but when she's serious, she's serious. She was a bit controlling but not in that Freaky way, more like, if she's in charge then that's it, there was no place for a second leader and whatever she says, goes.

"I'm pretty sure that I might be a Beta." Andy turned to look at them even as her hands fought to pinch Levi's cheeks. "If not then an Omega but I find that unlikely."

Before he knew it, all eyes turned to him and he scowled at the expectant looks on their faces. "As if I'll have to say anything." He muttered softly, crossing his arms.

"You know," Ayame started, gaining their attention. "Normally, I would've pegged you as an Alpha but the closer you've come to presenting, the more docile you've become. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that's noticed how soft your features have become and not to mention, you're slowly but surely losing that six pack of yours, it looks more like a four pack now."

Danny was a bit embarrassed at her words but he couldn't deny that it was the truth; he had already noticed how pretty he looked, how pink and supple his lips had become and how tender his chest was. He just hoped that he didn't have to start wearing a bralette or people would think that he's damaged goods.

In their Hierarchy, Omegas that wore bralettes without being mated were considered loose. Even if the Omega was just more developed than others, there would be rumours of them being sexually active so much so that their breasts would begin developing at a faster rate. Luckily for the male Omegas, they didn't retain their breast, they only appeared when they're pregnant and go away after weaning their off-spring

"I mean... You're not wrong, it's just pretty weird you know? A couple of months ago, I was the epitome of masculinity now look at me, I just need to grow my hair and I'll be considered a full blown woman since I'm already half way there!" He Panicked a bit at that but calmed down seconds later.

He had already blown up in anger and desperation months ago when he first realised that his features were getting softer. He was just lucky that he hadn't slept around otherwise he would've been been ineligible as an Omega. It really wasn't fair that Omegas couldn't lose their virginities for anyone other than their mates while Alphas could sleep around with whoever they wanted until they were mated. The obvious target for the Alphas to sleep around with were Betas.

Humans weren't even considered as their scents were known to drive Alphas and Betas into a frenzy.

If any Omega lost their virginities before they could be mated it had to be because they were raped and the offender will be sentenced to death for it while the Omega will be institutionalised to treat the mental and physical effects of the rape, luckily, that wouldn't affect their chances of being mated as they were usually paired with Alphas who had lost their mates due to death.

It pretty much worked itself out.

On the other hand, if an Omega lost their virginity simply because they were sleeping around, they would be branded with a special stamp on their wrist practically calling them whores. The stamp couldn't be covered by tattoos, only clothing so alot of Omegas who got it usually wore thick bracelets to hide the shame.

Hmmm... He had only met one such person with a stamp like that and as far as he knew, she didn't exactly have a respectable job because companies usually check for stamps as their hiring criteria were for honest and committed individuals. It pretty much sucked to be a branded Omega.

Danny is actually lucky that he hadn't slept around with anyone when he had believed that he was an Alpha since Alphas could do it; he was just lucky that he had such amazing friends who usually stopped him before he could reach the point of no return.

"Again, shouldn't we head to the Assembly hall?" Kourtney intervened before he could speak, looking at them through narrowed eyes.

Danny snorted and the others rolled their eyes. "Okay, Kourt. Let's go before you snap our necks off."

Kourtney only flipped him off then began tugging Shariff towards the Assembly hall, everyone following behind them.

Danny smiled to himself when he noticed Daisuke wrapping an arm around Levi's hips and said guy leaning into him.

It was pretty obvious that Levi would be Daisuke's Omega and Daisuke, Levi's Alpha.

Andy was pretty much a lone wolf but then again, she's been showing some interest in Luka Brosnan who had presented as an Alpha. Luka had shown interest in Andy so who knows, they might end up together.

"Hey, Danny, already dreaming about sitting on some Alpha dick?" Andy jeered, playfully pushing him forward.

Danny scowled at her.

He really hated his siblings sometimes.

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