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Play the song as you read 😊

Daisuke Hatama
Ayame Karatachi
Kourtney Butterfield

Gage O'Hara
Natalia October
Shariff Bailey

Arriving inside of the huge Assembly Hall, they immediately walked to the front of the hall where a good bit of students were already gathered.

Just to Andy's luck, they came to a stop next to Luka who shot her a grin which she shyly returned.

Danny grinned and intentionally dug his elbow into her side; he snickered under his breath at the glare she sent his way

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Danny grinned and intentionally dug his elbow into her side; he snickered under his breath at the glare she sent his way.

"Hey Andy, everyone." Luka greeted, his gaze still trained on Andy.

Natalia rolled her eyes at him. "Everyone as in who? Principal Michaels? Coach Turner? Professor Eton?"

Luka returned the gesture and wrapped an arm around her neck. "You know exactly what I mean, brat. You're only lucky you're wearing braids or I'd have messed up your hair."

Natalia snorted and struggled to get out of his grip to no avail; she looked at them and raised an eyebrow. "So, aren't you guys gonna help me?"

In eery synchronisation, they all averted their gaze and whistled while looking around the Auditorium.

Natalia cursed and struggled some more before sighing deeply. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry, now let me go, you arsehole."

Luka chuckled but finally released her; he then sidled up next to Andy before Natalia could retaliate.


Andy blushed and looked down at her shoes shyly. "Hi."

Danny laughed silently then moved closer to Gage as he noticed Andy's hand coming up to pinch him; he groaned when Gage wrapped his arm around his hips and buried his nose in his hair.

"You smell so fucking good."

Danny sighed as Gage nosed a path down his neck. "Gage, stop."

Gage only hummed and placed a kiss below his ear. "Why should I? I like you, you like me, what's the problem?"

Danny frowned and forcefully pulled away from Gage, ignoring the arm still wrapped around his hips as he turned to stare said guy in his eyes. "You don't get to do this, Gage. You've already made it clear how you feel and I'm not going to ruin my chances of being mated just to have meaningless sex with you."

Intoxicated (ManxBoy) Mpreg Explicit - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now